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Celebrity Tw@t


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Inspired by a couple of posts on the people passing you on the street thread, what about well.known people.uou have met who are knobs. Will allow people friends and family have met.

Edwina Currie. Met her at a function at the Baseball Ground. Was generally rude and obnoxious to everyone, was particularly vile to her husband, who she treated like a servant.

Howard Wilkinson. Met him in a VIP room at Pride Park. Arrogant knob in a white overcoat, who turned his back on anyone who tried to talk to him.

Ulrika Johnson. A mate of mine worked at a phone shop she was opening. The water wasn't cold enough so she rudely ordered him to a shop for a bottle. On the way back he wiped his finger under his armpit and then wiped it around the top of the bottle. It was a warm day.

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I know when Dav used to work security at York Races he asked Richard Whiteley for his Members Pass which accessed certain areas.

He didn't like it. Asked Dav in a rude voice - Do you know who I am.

Dav said Aye. Pass please.

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His brother says part of him died at Munich and he was rarely happy as an adult


I do understand that but some people have been through worse and come out ok. Also he is an ambassadorial role at Man Utd so should be more willing to sign autographs/meet people etc.

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I was once getting petrol at Archer Road Sheffield, when i realised that the driver filling up at the next pump was Howard Wilkinson.

I looked at him.

But then i mistakenly transmitted the thought "ohh its that cnut Howard Wilkinson.......... With his boyfriend in the car"

At that he looked at me with his England badge on.

And then he mistakenly transmitted the thought " ooh that cnut has recognised me......i bet he thinks i'm a cnut"

To which i responded by telepathy " yes i do".

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when i was younger i had a problem that needed fixing so i asked ji.... well, you know the rest  ;)


Anusol helps with the stinging.

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My wife was an extra in Peak Practice once and she sometimes acts like a total tw@t..... Does that count?


My mum used to be a 'regular extra' in Peak Practice. If ever there was a requirement for a couple of elderly ladies, she and her friend Vi were often called upon.

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