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Champions League draw


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They barely contributed to the win...


But overall point I'm saying is, Chelsea do not in any shape of form represent England in the Champions League 



Sorry Bris but that really is a quite ridiculous statement.


Chelsea are an English football club playing in the English League.


There could be eleven Mongolian dwarfs playing for them but they would still be an English club.


History will simply never reflect the nationalities of the playing staff. It never has been and it never will. It's immaterial.

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History will simply never reflect the nationalities of the playing staff. It never has been and it never will. It's immaterial.

How come you are so unahappy who a foreign player is linked with Derby, remember you posting about how important it is to have a British team.

Is it feck.

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Sorry Bris but that really is a quite ridiculous statement.


Chelsea are an English football club playing in the English League.


There could be eleven Mongolian dwarfs playing for them but they would still be an English club.


History will simply never reflect the nationalities of the playing staff. It never has been and it never will. It's immaterial.


Chelsea represent Chelsea...


They may be an English club but that doesn't mean they represent England... Why would they?

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The first thing we'd do if we won the CL is boast about it and sing about it to our domestic opponents.

I agree with Bris, Chelsea represent Chelsea.

England represent England. Although a lot of folks can't let the tribal rivalries go.

For example a Forest player playing for England wouldn't get the same patience from England following Derby fans.

I'm too invested in club football to care about national pride. Besides, in London the people are less friendly so balls to them and their silly clubs.

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How come you are so unahappy who a foreign player is linked with Derby, remember you posting about how important it is to have a British team.

Is it feck.



How come you presume as to my thoughts?


Trawl through my posts and I never said such a thing. What I may have said is how pride I am that DCFC can boast so many British players. Rather a difference I would suggest.


I would prefer to have a British side because we play in a British league. Having a foreigner or two however is necessary as they can often provide that something that the British player cannot.

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Chelsea represent Chelsea...


They may be an English club but that doesn't mean they represent England... Why would they?





Chelsea represent England.


I live in Japan. What the hell do they know about how many foreign players play in their side.


All they know is they are an English team.


All clubs who play in the English league represent England when they play abroad. That is a fact plain and simple.


What you're saying is that breakfast cereal isn't breakfast cereal because it has a different taste. No, breakfast cereals come in many tastes, shapes and sizes much like Chelsea come in many differing nationalities.

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Chelsea represent England.


I live in Japan. What the hell do they know about how many foreign players play in their side.


All they know is they are an English team.


All clubs who play in the English league represent England when they play abroad. That is a fact plain and simple.


What you're saying is that breakfast cereal isn't breakfast cereal because it has a different taste. No, breakfast cereals come in many tastes, shapes and sizes much like Chelsea come in many differing nationalities.


What are you on about buddy?


The Champions League isn't a national competition... It's a club competition... Where clubs represent clubs...


What does this photo tell you from the recent Bayern Munich Super Cup game against Chelsea?


"http://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/60350000/jpg/_60350849_60354448" alt="_60350849_60354448">



Do you see any German or English flags here? Nope.. Do you know why...


Because they are representing THE CLUB

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I wonder what would happen if I told a River Plate fan that Boca Juniors are representing the whole of Argentina in the Copa Libertadores... I wounder if he'll agree.


Oh, also good luck to the Toronto Maple Leafs in the Stanley Cup, representing Canada there

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Technically, they are representing England as their performance ultimately affects how many places afforded to the "Champions" League are given to each country.

If all four English clubs proceeded to do desperately badly season after season, the chances are that the season we finish fourth is the year they have warded an extra place to, say, Sweden at the expense of the English teams.

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