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Planning Permission - Objecting


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A cnut has decided that he wants to build a 'chalet style bungalow' on a slither of land that runs parallel to my brothers place.  He's tried before and lost (silver birch, access routes and a few other things) 


I had bother with him in the summer, parked my car outside my brothers gate only to see this annoying landowner blocking it in with his! I said a few things that I shouldn't have and he phoned the police, they came, laughed and went... I can't stand him. 


We'd buy the field off him but are both reluctant to help him in anyway. It's not going anywhere and he's not getting any younger, we all get immense pleasure from seeing him struggle to mow it when it's overgrown, especially on hot days.




We were only told about this by the couple who own the house on the other side of this field. Strangely, we didn't get the notice so have already lost valuable objection preparation days. Is this allowed? Surely not... 


Now, the crafty sod has worded it like this in the application - WE ARE NUMBER 4


Land opening onto Staffs Rd between numbers 2 and 6


Please note - number 4 lies to the south west of this site and has legal right of way.


How on earth can he say that? Does the house that I grew up in and its position and layout exist? Or is this his cunning plan to make sure we don't or can't object... 


I'd love to run him over. 


Quick background, the house is up a private drive, they're all detached with an acre garden. His field can only be described as a slither of next doors, infact I think it used to be, who knows how he got it.


Which is why the parish council have already objected, basically saying his wendy house will look ****. Aren't the government encouraging shitty builds like this?


Where do we start?! Normally pretty good with stuff like this but i'm wound up and can't think straight  :rolleyes:




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My experience is Scottish and 15 years out of date; there are difference, but hope this gives you a start. Look on your local Council's website and find the application, a talk with the case officer is the best start.

Perhaps here ?


In general terms about the process, a good lazy link here :


PP only gives a planning consent, not a legal right if an access is going to be affected, but that's then one for solicitors, cost etc.

If you do speak to the Council ask how and when the app will be determined. If it is by Committee (rather than the Planner) then speak to your Councillor before the decision, who will be listed on the Council's website. Having the Parish Council in agreement should be a help.Hope it works out.

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Ring up Council House, get put through to Planning. Eventually somebody will answer the phone, provided it's before 5 o'clock. Owt after that, forget it.

Hope this helps.

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