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Football transfer system must change, says world players' union


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Football faces a legal challenge that could result in the end of transfer fees and have as big an impact on the game as the landmark Bosman ruling.

World players' union Fifpro claims the existing transfer system contravenes law and infringes footballers' rights.


The transfer system fails 99% of players around the world, it fails football as an industry and it fails the world's most beloved game


Philippe Piat Fifpro president

And it is preparing to challenge the system in the European courts.

"Footballers are workers, and only when they enjoy the rights enjoyed by all will Fifpro be satisfied," said the union's president, Philippe Piat.

The Frenchman added his organisation would not "stand by and watch from the sidelines as football players' rights around the world are systemically disrespected and the football industry dismantles itself".

If successful, the move could allow players to serve notice on their contracts as other workers can.

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I would like to know how clubs would protect their investments then! It'll be thrown out.

That's the problem with the present situation. These are not investments, they are people, albeit rough approximations of people in one or two cases.

It isn't the player that's bought and sold. William wilberforce saw to that little arrangement. It's the contract. Up to now, the agreement to honour a playing contract is partly tacit, partly enforced by governing body rules.

Tacitly, a player foregoes notice periods and such things in order for the perk of playing a game for a living. FIFA et al enforce rules that limit the number of clubs a player can play for in a given period, which circumvent the notion of a notice period. Possibly because they know that any legal challenge to the nature of a playing contract is virtually guaranteed to succeed.

Notice periods work both ways, of course.

The result will be greater insecurity for most players, even greater riches for the best.

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So why does it infringe their rights now but it didn't 60 years ago??


Euro nutters at it again.


World Players Union, not European.


Basically it ain't going to happen

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It's inevitable.

There's no justification for contracts as they are now. Boatman nailed the restraint of trade, now the right to leave a contract enjoyed by other workers.

There are opportunities too. Central or regional academies, not attached to any club. Lot's of free talent for clubs with a reputation for playing youngsters. University football programmes.

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