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Green Tea


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Supposed to be good for you, does a lot of wonderful things. I want to try some but I've only had PG Tips before and some of this green stuff is supposed to taste pretty foul. Any recommendations?

It doesn't taste foul, it is a lighter more delicate taste than PG Tips. I like green tea (& white tea and PG Tips for that matter). Like a lot of these so called health foods, I suspect that it would take more than just the odd cup to see any benefits. I like Tea Pigs but the Supermarkets have a big choice these days.

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I know it's a long term thing, if it tastes good I can easily keep up with a couple cups a day, just so many out there and expensive

I was apprehensive myself but someone at work swears by it, so I tried some. Not bad I have to say. I've tried some form of orange tea as well as a lemon tea.

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Yeah but which one is the nicest?

I hear it speeds up your metabolism, burns fat quicker.

Taking vitamin b, c, d and calcium magnesium & zinc.

I'm on a bit of a lets get healthy mission for the summer and the ladies in bikinis on Cleethorpes beech

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  • 2 weeks later...

Green tea is awful. Fact.

Get a cup of hot water, put a tablespoon of soil in. Pretty much green tea taste with an unlimited supply....unless you have no garden


Took you a long time to taste it, bet you didn't go for the orange and lotus flower?

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