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Racism Row

Bris Vegas

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Being fat is a lifestyle choice which very possibly results from greed, ignorance or laziness.

Being black isn't.

Stupid comparison.


Is being stupid a lifestyle choice?

Is being slower than Usain Bolt a lifestyle choice?


Being fat is not always a lifestyle choice!


Now where did I eat that pie, I better see if I dropped any crumbs.

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So who's going to stick up for the assholes?

Unfortunately the other assholes will and there are a lot of them around.

Let me try to explain myself once more. And the fact that I'm doing this in foreign language might require some extra trying from you and other readers too.

I do know some of the horrible things done to the blacks. I'm against that. Rosa Parks and Nelson Mandela are people I have a huge respect for. I'm also happy to see that regular unfamous people are doing their share too.

But it irritates that there are people, groups and races that are not defended as much as they should. One of those groups are fat people. I admit that it is my shortcoming to have a very little understanding for people accusing fat people being fat. I have never been fat myself although my diabetes has start my stomach to get rounder. I'm trying to do something about that at the moment.

When I started to coach junior hockey we got this 10 year old kid who was severely overweight. So was both of his parents. The abuse that kid got in the games and outside the rink was brutal. It made me mad. That kid had no choice over what he got to eat in his family. We did tell the parents what kind of food the kids needed before the games and practices but this kid never had a chance. The kid is now over twenty and really big. I can't blame him. It is hard to change what you have been taught at home for twenty years.

One of my friends was sexually abused as a kid. So she started to eat for comfort and got obese. I also know a family that has this condition that has made four from five of them to be really big. All of them have done weight watchers and other things but they will never get slim although they can manage their weight somewhat.

None of them deserve to be called names or being judged as greedy, lazy, ignorant people.

I hope I have not offended you or anyone else with my writings. Sometimes I do however snap when I see something I don't like and abuse that overweight people tend to get is one of them.

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Being fat is not always a lifestyle choice!

The medical and genetic conditions which can cause weight gain are extremely rare, eg Reid's syndrome.

For the VAST majority (pun intended) it is a simple equation of calories in against calories burnt, so there's no reason why they can't do something to lose weight.

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The medical and genetic conditions which can cause weight gain are extremely rare, eg Reid's syndrome.

For the VAST majority (pun intended) it is a simple equation of calories in against calories burnt, so there's no reason why they can't do something to lose weight.

If only it was that easy.
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The medical and genetic conditions which can cause weight gain are extremely rare, eg Reid's syndrome.

For the VAST majority (pun intended) it is a simple equation of calories in against calories burnt, so there's no reason why they can't do something to lose weight.


Conveniently you ignore psychological / emotional reasons for over-eating, and they are all too common and extremely difficult to overcome.

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The medical and genetic conditions which can cause weight gain are extremely rare, eg Reid's syndrome.

For the VAST majority (pun intended) it is a simple equation of calories in against calories burnt, so there's no reason why they can't do something to lose weight.

Why should they lose weight if they don't feel like it ? To look good for others ? To be able to live 100 years old ? To save the money for government ?

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Conveniently you ignore psychological / emotional reasons for over-eating, and they are all too common and extremely difficult to overcome.

Agree wholeheartedly, lots of ignorance especially psychological/mental and emotional illnesses
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None of them deserve to be called names or being judged as greedy, lazy, ignorant people.

I do know what you mean, and in the case of children the parents certainly have to be held responsible.

When someone has an eating disorder and becomes obese for psychological reasons, often not of their own making, it tends to become a vicious circle as weight gain reinforces poor self-esteem. These people can be helped however, and exercise is known to counteract depression so is definitely to be encouraged.

Peddling the view that obesity should be accepted unchallenged doesn't really help anyone, and can add to the sense of disempowerment. Far better to create a climate where people feel they can and should lose weight, and can see the benefits of doing so.

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Do you know anyone who actually enjoys being fat?

I don't kow if they enjoy being fat but I do know several fat people who enjoy the life they are living. And it least here in Finland it isn't that common thing to be happy with your life. So in my experience being fat doesn't make you any less happy as a human being.

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Do you know anyone who actually enjoys being fat?


I'm fat, and I'm deliriously happy and content with my life. The fact that I don't conform to what you would want me to be makes be even happier. Now excuse me - I have some Cadburys chocolate fingers to eat. I think I'll dip them in a Cream Egg and pretend it's breakfast again.



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And I'm not saying it is great to be fat or people should enjoy it or not enjoy it. What I am saying is that just because I'm not fat at the moment gives me a right or any reason to give any stick to people who are fat. Five years down the line they might be fit and I might be fat but it doesn't change the thing that people have a right to be not abused for their appearances.

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being fat doesn't make you any less happy as a human being.

I put on over three stone in a couple of years and it made me feel like *****... not because of what anyone else thought, but because it made my asthma worse, I wasn't sleeping well, and it was interfering with things I wanted to do. It was just a combination of being sedentary, middle-aged, not bothering what I ate and drinking far too much.

I'm as weak-willed and lazy as anybody, but I've managed to shift it with the 5 and 2 diet and regular exercise. Still drink every day, which isn't great, but feel loads better.

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I put on over three stone in a couple of years and it made me feel like *****... not because of what anyone else thought, but because it made my asthma worse, I wasn't sleeping well, and it was interfering with things I wanted to do. It was just a combination of being sedentary, middle-aged, not bothering what I ate and drinking far too much.

I'm as weak-willed and lazy as anybody, but I've managed to shift it with the 5 and 2 diet and regular exercise. Still drink every day, which isn't great, but feel loads better.

Of course everybody should act on what makes them feel good both physically and mentally. I'm just against people abusing others for their looks and physical abilities. I know some people that exercise because they love it. I also people that exercise so they wouldn't be abused anymore and some of them hate the exercising but not as much as the snickering and name calling.

I admire anybody who takes care of themselves and are able to be happy while doing so.

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