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Forest Tickets - 2002 Allocation


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...actually reading that again it says "one purchase per person" (not one ticket), so maybe you can buy as many as you like as long as they're all for the same person (prevents a bunch of mates getting one guy to queue up and then making X number of different purchases on X number of different membership numbers).

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Ah right - did not know that. I guess the filth will not be keen on that idea!

To be fair there's not a huge amount of space in the gated area (there are some stairs up to the west edge of the south stand and the cells for naughty boys/girls) so it may not be doable for Forest. Went on a stadium tour earlier in the year and the chap said that last time Forest came they absolutely wrecked the place (smashed the flat screen TVs etc).


Anyway, I know it won't happen but it'll just be a shame to see the south stand ticket holders moved and then nobody (home or away fans) there to occupy the space they've vacated.


Mind you I think this whole "relocate the south stand for big games" idea is backwards anyway. Surely those are the games where you want your noisy, most passionate fans together where they can be heard. Wasn't at the Leicester game, but did it sound the same with everyone up in the SW corner nosebleeds?

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So there's pretty much no chance of getting any on Monday? :(

I've resigned myself to that to be honest. Even if there are tickets left by then, it'll probably be a bit of a lottery, especially for those of us who can't make it down to PP (fingers crossed someone in the ticket office happens to be free when I ring, but I doubt it).

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Who were the saddos who queued outside Pride Park throughout the night for tickets.

It's a league fixture, not a Bieber concert.


Probably the same people who can't even be arsed to turn up to League Cup matches and don't have a season ticket because it lines the yanks pockets and they won't come again until they have left!

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Probably the same people who can't even be arsed to turn up to League Cup matches and don't have a season ticket because it lines the yanks pockets and they won't come again until they have left!


The same 3 that have gone every home and away game for the last few years.


The same 3 that were in Dublin pre season.


The same 3 that were part of a 150 odd attendance at Cardiff and Boro.


Desperation maybe but a sign of the lengths some fans have had to go to.

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The same 3 that have gone every home and away game for the last few years.


The same 3 that were in Dublin pre season.


The same 3 that were part of a 150 odd attendance at Cardiff and Boro.


Desperation maybe but a sign of the lengths some fans have had to go to.


Was aimed more at people who have bought this stupid membership just to try and guarantee themselves a Forest ticket.


People such as yourself should not even have to go through the lottery of having to queue for tickets in my opinion. Unfortunately there seems to be very little reward for loyalty in football but the £ always talks.

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