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My left ear


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During the summer say every 6 weeks it starts to bleed some crappy discharge, lasts for a couple of days and it stinks. It builds up then leaks all day say every hour ish. Only happens in the summer maybe 3 times in total. Woke up this morning to a wishy washy feel and knew instantly what it was, pinky finger in the ear ffs here we go again.

It's always the left ear, always.

I'm ruling out anything serious as like I say it's summer only and don't say go to a doctor they don't know anything.

To add to the story I suffer from sinus problems, have done for years. One day say 10 years ago I was sat on some stairs and all of a sudden a load of gunk just fell out my nose, I didn't have to blow it literally just ran out. I'll be honest I thought my head had internally exploded as I looked in my hands both cupped together full of this stinky gunk.

Went to the hospital and they diagnosed me with sinusitis, gave me some pills and that which I stopped taking as they took my appetite away.

Anyway, since then every summer I've suffered with this ***** and I'm wondering if the two could be linked. I get pressure build up that forever holding my nose and blowing to try and relieve it, doesn't really work tbh but if feels good.

Some websites say yes ear bleeding can be caused by bad sinuses which kinda makes sense as they are all linked right? Others say no. 3000+ members on here there must be one of you that may have experienced similar, if not I might just accept that my head is exploding.

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My ear is clear right now, cleaned it out with a load of swabs and bog roll, put me pinky finger in and it feels perfect in there but give it an hour and it will feel kinda swollen in there then will feel the ear load up with fluid and we're off again.

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It's not down to ear buds or my right one would go, I have done it before where you prod to hard and it hurts, may get a bit of blood out. This is gunk and blood, I'll get through a full bog roll and pack of buds now over the next 48hrs.

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It's not down to ear buds or my right one would go, I have done it before where you prod to hard and it hurts, may get a bit of blood out. This is gunk and blood, I'll get through a full bog roll and pack of buds now over the next 48hrs.


I'm no GP but that doesn't sound good, post some pictures up so we get a better idea.

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I'm no GP but that doesn't sound good, post some pictures up so we get a better idea.

Erm, that's just weird and I doubt many want to see it :lol:

Just imagine cotton buds with red tips, first few are full of blood, the rest start to fade out. I use blog roll on the pinky as well otherwise I'd run out of buds and you can wipe it out properly.

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