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Breaking Bad - Who Lives, Who Dies (Spoilers)


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I finished it last weekend.

Undoubtedly the best TV show I've ever seen. The writers and actors somehow manage to create a world that you feel desperate to remain a part of, and yet it is absolutely heart-wrenching at the same time. For me, the really emotional point was the first ten minutes of Ozymandias (the third last episode).


(spoiler alert)


Hank and Gomey were, in many ways, the two good guys of the series, and I was convinced they would finally bring Walt to justice. Looking back now, killing them off was definitely the right thing to do - Walter's life reached its absolute low point, and he finally had something to aim for in the last two episodes - revenge against Jack, Todd and the other neo-Nazis. But I was shocked when Jack shot Hank. Really shocked. I spent the rest of that episode hoping against all hope that Walt was having a weird, twisted dream, and that Hank was still alive, even though I knew that could never happen in Breaking Bad.


(spoilers over)


In conclusion - an incredible TV series. I wish that I could wipe my memory and watch it all again. I can't wait for Better Call Saul - hopefully Jesse, Badger, Skinny and Combo feature as well as one of Breaking Bad's funniest characters...



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disapointed in it to be honest,



could of ended better, a lot better the acting was okay good quality but in terms of the suspense I felt watching it, that didnt come close to prison break.


it felt like all the hype was why i was watching it, not because I was gagging to watch the next one

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disapointed in it to be honest,

could of ended better, a lot better the acting was okay good quality but in terms of the suspense I felt watching it, that didnt come close to prison break.

it felt like all the hype was why i was watching it, not because I was gagging to watch the next one

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disapointed in it to be honest,

could of ended better, a lot better the acting was okay good quality but in terms of the suspense I felt watching it, that didnt come close to prison break.

it felt like all the hype was why i was watching it, not because I was gagging to watch the next one

Fair enough, that's your opinion. Personally, I'd say that the acting was excellent and one of the main things that carried the show.

I do agree with you a little bit though; although in general I loved the show, there were times (mainly in season two) that I felt dragged along by the promise of a great plot later on, rather than because I was really enjoying it.

Overall though, apart from that I thought it was pretty faultless.

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I loved it, absolutely superb.


Thought the ending was perfect too... There was no other way it could end. The likes of Walt, Hank and Mike all had to be killed off as none were going to emerge as the hero/winner.


If i was to have just one criticism, it would be Skyler. I understand how she was fully involved, I just thought her character was so annoying and at times unrealistic..

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I loved it, absolutely superb.


Thought the ending was perfect too... There was no other way it could end. The likes of Walt, Hank and Mike all had to be killed off as none were going to emerge as the hero/winner.


If i was to have just one criticism, it would be Skyler. I understand how she was fully involved, I just thought her character was so annoying and at times unrealistic..

She was a bit of a biitch, wasn't she? Highlights include "I'm just waiting for your cancer to come back, Walt" and "No, Walt Jr, you need to take back the car that your dad just bought you". However, I was happy that it worked out between her and her son in the end and that Jr could see his Dad for what he really was.

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Really enjoyed it - but personally prefer The Sopranos. I'd give that 99/100, Breaking Bad about a 93/100.

The cinematography is fantastic, its very cleverly written and the acting very good. I felt it dragged a little in the middle of series 3 but then lacked a bit of fleshing out at the time they decide to cook in other peoples houses. Like that bit was a bit rushed through. The run of the last 5 episodes are sublime though as near perfect as can be.

Saul has to be my favourite character. Jesse and Hank were pretty cool too. Skyler, Walt Jr or that fat, inbred, version of Matt Damon, Todd pissed me off a bit.

Some episodes like The Fly were just a bit too artsy for the sake of being artsy for me - same with the cold starts in series 2 with the teddy bear.

Terrific programme but, just a little overhyped. There's good reason for the hype but as others have said it did feel like I was only watching because of that hype on a few occasions.

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