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The Spelling & Grammar Thread


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Never seen a Scottish person with so much color...

Do you mean colour? From the little I've read on this forum, it really seems as though the schools of County are failing you people. Your spelling is atrocious!

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Color is correct

You're not very bright are you? Color is incorrect. Getting back to the more interesting point however, you do realise only ****** would compare Johnny Russell to every flop that has came from the SPL? Every player has to be judged on their own merits. Steven Fletcher? Ross McCormack? Are you genuinely this dumb? "Well if Goodwillie done amazingly in the SPL, but cr@p down here, that must mean that every player from that league is rubbish" Why go down the negative route? This could be your Steven Fletcher! Or maybe he could be THE Johnny Russell.

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Do you mean colour? From the little I've read on this forum, it really seems as though the schools of County are failing you people. Your spelling is atrocious!

your kidding? Please, someone say this guys kidding.

Forget it. It's not grammar Nazi week, it's grammar Nazi month.

**** sake....

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Color is correct

They are both correct, although in the UK colour is generally used. There are lots of words like this.

As general rules Yanky and proper spelling differ in a few key areas:

-our and -or as in colour and color, flavour and flavor, etc.

-re and -er as in metre and meter, centre and center etc.

-ise, -isation and -ise, -isation as in Civilisation and Civilization, realise, realize etc.

-ogue and -og as in analogue and analog etc.

They also do bizarre things to vowels which whilst they shouldn't be discussed in polite conversation, should probably be pointed out as well. They tend to turn ae and oe into just a plain e, such as Oesophagus into Esophagus or Paediatrics in Pediatrics.

Still, generally both spellings are considered correct in such cases, as horrifying as it may look at first.

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I always struggle with when to use centre and center myself, but generally the use of bad grammar on the t'interweb is pretty painful.

The worse one for me is the incorrect use of 'loose', e.g. We always loose in the cup.


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You're not very bright are you? Color is incorrect. Getting back to the more interesting point however, you do realise only ****** would compare Johnny Russell to every flop that has came from the SPL? Every player has to be judged on their own merits. Steven Fletcher? Ross McCormack? Are you genuinely this dumb? "Well if Goodwillie done amazingly in the SPL, but cr@p down here, that must mean that every player from that league is rubbish" Why go down the negative route? This could be your Steven Fletcher! Or maybe he could be THE Johnny Russell.


I'm incredibly bright..


And I also teach English


Color is correct.. Deal with it.

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I'm incredibly bright..


And I also teach English


Color is correct.. Deal with it.


You teach English? That's just a massive lie, isn't it? Color is INCORRECT. There is no debate. It is a fact!

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You teach English? That's just a massive lie, isn't it? Color is INCORRECT. There is no debate. It is a fact!


I teach English.. No lie..


And color is correct.. What's your problem?



They are both correct Bris.

Also, just because you teach doesn't mean you are either bright or correct.


Well, that remark was just a throwback.. But you're right, both are correct.. That's a fact.

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