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I've lost the bunny.


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When you first joined DET where you not just "ginge" or something along those lines? With a picture of Paul Jewell with ginger hair? Go back to that.

Or have I just made all that up?

What a memory! I was Gingers4Justice, with Jewell with Ginger hair, then went for Rob Hulse, then Tito Villa, then Clough. All with tangerine barnets.


Not losing the Duracell name.

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Thank gowd Cougan killed him off. Can we get somebody to kill Cougan off now?



Also, he hasn't. There's a film coming out in August.


He's a great character. Really sums up the egotistical nature of TV personalities. When he was on as Partridge on Jonathan Ross, the irony was just incredible. It's a very clever character, superbly acted - just a great parody.


What's wrong with Coogan?

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