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Where's the flat screen TV?

see the other picture, I was watching the pacific box set the other week and had to keep ducking.

The lad also played Xbox COD down there with his mates on his birthday, it sounded very good on the surround sound.

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Even cooler then, do you sell it?


No, that would cause me a lot of hassle with HMRC, and I would have to greatly increase the amount I brew  - and the amount of work involved. I can brew up to 50 litres at a time (say 12 gallons) - that's approximately 1/3 of a barrel. I would probably need to increase that ten-fold, get separate premises, get a brewer's licence, arrange for sampling etc etc etc and I've no real desire to become a full-time brewer. I'm an old bloke, looking forward to retirement.


The people I really admire are those who have a dream, then set out to achieve that dream. People like the guys who run the BrewDog brewery. They started from scratch 7 or 8 years ago with a desire to produce beers that ranged from 'out of the ordinary' to 'outrageous', bottling by hand and now they brew for a dozen pubs and a whole load of other retail outlets. I may admire them, but I don't want to be them.

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see the other picture, I was watching the pacific box set the other week and had to keep ducking.

The lad also played Xbox COD down there with his mates on his birthday, it sounded very good on the surround sound.

I move to Belper in August so will book myself in for a visit. 

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so , how did you do it , pray tell ?

nice job , btw .. :)

open a photo bucket account

Upload your pictures using the tools on the page.

When you have your own album, you'll see a little text box to the right, click on the "direct link" copy all the text in that box.

Come on the forum,

Do the normal [ img]*insert your pasted content here [/ img] shizzle.

Hey presto, JD

(Job Done)

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Starting a job next week for a guy who works for Thornbridge Brewery, if I'm correct, I think the guy who ownes brewdog, used to brew for Thornbridge? Could be wrong.


Martin Dickie?

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No, that would cause me a lot of hassle with HMRC, and I would have to greatly increase the amount I brew  - and the amount of work involved. I can brew up to 50 litres at a time (say 12 gallons) - that's approximately 1/3 of a barrel. I would probably need to increase that ten-fold, get separate premises, get a brewer's licence, arrange for sampling etc etc etc and I've no real desire to become a full-time brewer. I'm an old bloke, looking forward to retirement.


The people I really admire are those who have a dream, then set out to achieve that dream. People like the guys who run the BrewDog brewery. They started from scratch 7 or 8 years ago with a desire to produce beers that ranged from 'out of the ordinary' to 'outrageous', bottling by hand and now they brew for a dozen pubs and a whole load of other retail outlets. I may admire them, but I don't want to be them.

I went to the Brew Dog pub in Nottm a few weeks ago. Some of the beers were undrinkable and I like a wide range of beers.

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I went to the Brew Dog pub in Nottm a few weeks ago. Some of the beers were undrinkable and I like a wide range of beers.

Jaipur from Thornbridge can be cloudy, but this is Hop Haze, and perfectly acceptable, but it often leads to a pint being brought back to the bar, and landlords dunna like that!

Anyway, anymore projects?

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I went to the Brew Dog pub in Nottm a few weeks ago. Some of the beers were undrinkable and I like a wide range of beers.


I'd be interested to hear your definition of 'undrinkable'. Too strong, to hoppy, too honeyed, too bitter? I think their Dead Pony Club APA is interesting, in a 'having your brains beaten out by a hop vine' sort of way. It's taken Pale Ales to a whole new level.

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