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Saddle Sniffer


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Had to Google her and I have to say I'm slightly disappointed, call me weird but I like women to have bigger boobs than me. I probably wouldn't say no tho, being a cyclist she'd have the stamina to go on top so I can just lay there and take it.

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I was hoping for a serious discussion, should of known better. Since when has saddle sniffing become a crime that warrants an arrest and taken to court?

.....wasn't it about the time that the 'WW2 Bomber was found on the Moon' and just before the 'Monkey Lands Plane' story broke?

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This reminds me of about 25 years ago going to Skeggy and stopping in a little car stop for some pop which was near some woods. There's slways been a wooden horse for the kids to play on near the picnic tables. Saw a guy once run up to it and sniff it after some kids had got off. Then he ran off with his mates into the trees.

Dirty filthy b*stard.

It was one of those moments where you think did I really just see that? Feckin wierdo.

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Jesus Chris Monkey Balls Lady Ram, was it in Louth or something like that??? Near a railway museum??? You just brought back a lot of memeories of going to Mablethorpe every weekend with the grand parents!!! Is that horse still there??? Perhaps the man you saw was the homeless man who lived in the wwoods who smelt the seat??? He had a big beard with bits in it!!!

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It's probably the same one Mary. It's on a straight road about a half hour or so outside Skeg, I think it's a beauty spot, somewhere on the road to Skeg but you definatley go past Louth to get to it. But yep, that horse is still there, near the hedge, near a little coffee hut thing and freezing mucky bogs.

It might have been him then Mary, the phantom, tree dwelling seat sniffer..!

Bet you're glad I jogged your memory now ;-)

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