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Worst beer you ever drank ?


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Duvel is nice although alcohol is a bit strong.

Duvel's about 8.5% - some Belgians are real rocket fuel though. Westvleteren 12, Westmalle Tripel, Rochefort Trappistes 10, Chimay Bleu etc. In my next life I think I'd like to be a Belgian Trappist monk.

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With Trappists the alcohol is hidden better, it doesn't come through so clearly. Dubbels are usually better in that way than tripels or quadrupels. If you have a chance to store Chimay Blue try it after 3-5 years. Excellent with cheese.

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Hands down, worst beer I've had is Mythos on a lads holiday in Zante. I think the thinking behind it is "hey, these Brits come here and what cheap beer, so let's make our own, they'll be too pissed to notice". Well, unforunately, I wasn't drunk enough at the time and I still remember the first - and only - pint of it I had. I don't like lager that much but it was horrible.

It was like cat p1ss, only a little less refreshing. It was stupidly gassy and a little bit salty. I also woke up with a terrible hangover in the morning, the worst I've ever had, and I'm convinced my pint, although aborted early on, had something to do with it.

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