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End of Year Forum Feedback


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With regards to a dedicated finance board I'm a bit worried if we would have any problems with the club to be honest, we know they read the forum and if they saw a whole section dedicated to what money is coming in and out and some of it is not correct would they start getting in contact asking for stuff to be removed on a regular basis. Whilst I'm not doubting your financial knowledge at all I'm sure you are aware that some people like to talk crap and it would be a nightmare to moderate.

We saw what happened to the DET when a businessman didn't appreciate some of the comments on that forum.

Finding a thread I can help you with, first off I don't think you have come across the advanced search yet, if you click the little cog icon next to the search you will get more search options including the date.

Also you could follow the threads and you will be able to pull them up quickly. At the top right of each thread you will see "Follow this topic", click that and then you can pull up these threads by clicking on your username at the top then click "Content I Follow".

With this you will also get notifications every time somebody replies to any of the followed threads. You can turn the notifications on and off or even get email notifications by clicking on your username at the top again, my settings, notification options on the left.

Notification list is the little blue bubble that shows on the site, unstick that to stop notifications.

I will talk to the moderators further on this and see what they think of a finance section.

Firstly,I should have known there'd be search options;I'm just amazed that the facility could be in front of my nose and yet I'd never noticed it.I suppose,in fairness, that the only thing I've ever wanted to search for was a particular thread and so turned my attention to toppish left of page all the time.Thanks for the info anyhow.

As far as a finance section goes,then it doesn't really bother me one way or the other (especially now I know how to access the accounts thread).I only suggested it because:

1) Posters often ask me questions to which answers could usually be found within the accounts thread.As can be seen with the recent debt thread,whole threads are created somtimes out of something that is a basic question.

2)In the past some fans have complained about the main section of the forum being infested with finance.I think the usual reply was simply don't look at the stuff.If there were a section devoted to finance,then you could hardly complain about finance being there.

In relation to your point about the forums being watched,then I suppose the counter would be that all the posts are there whichever section of the forum they appear in.Does it all being 'concentrated' put you in more peril?Doubt it very much.

Onto others' points about descending into arguments,then again I'd say that it wouldn't matter which section the stuff were in -if it were going to kick off ,then it would.As to the point that it would make the forum a nightmare to moderate,then I would have thought the opposite would apply.If finance is thought of as a perilous topic,then it would surely be a lot easier to monitor if you could first at least check this section.After all,financial arguments flare up all over the main forum as it is.

In reply to utch's point about sticking to facts without conjecture,then again the conjecture abounds already.The point would be rather different if you were to say that moving to a new section would create something that didn't exist before.

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A lot of financial talk goes on in threads that the title may not at first glance suggest it would be, I don't read every post and every thread on here and I doubt the club do. But if we had a whole section titled accounts it would be easy for someone from the club to pop on for 30 minutes as scan through what's being said, we may as well send an invite out.

Trying to moderate and remove the ****** from fact so we have no problems with the club is already a nightmare as it is. If the club came to be and said honestly we don't care what you lot say on the Internet it really doesn't bother us I'd open a section right now.

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A lot of financial talk goes on in threads that the title may not at first glance suggest it would be, I don't read every post and every thread on here and I doubt the club do. But if we had a whole section titled accounts it would be easy for someone from the club to pop on for 30 minutes as scan through what's being said, we may as well send an invite out.

Trying to moderate and remove the ****** from fact so we have no problems with the club is already a nightmare as it is. If the club came to be and said honestly we don't care what you lot say on the Internet it really doesn't bother us I'd open a section right now.

Fair enough-position understood.

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Is there any value in keeping the chat function open 24/7? and making it able to run in tandem with the board - might save some of the rubbish on threads where it is basically 2 or 3 people having random conversations and creating pages of off-topic stuff, might also be good to have a bit of to and fro without having to actually create posts and since it could be wiped every 30 mins or so you wouldn't have to worry as much about moderating.....

Final question why the hell do people want to be moderators anyway? You do a great job but it must be a pain....

Good job done by all, Froggg and Uttox mods of the year but I would still like my 10 ban tokens as advertised by Daveo....

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I'd like to see a world map with little dots from where the posters come from.. So we can see how many rams there are around the world and what places they come from..

Other than that..

Just keep it easy and user friendly.. I hate what they've done to the likes of skype, facebook, hotmail etc.. It's so much better when it's simple and easy to use.. basic is better.

This forum is one of the best I've seen for it's design and outlay because it's just so simple..

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I like what you've done with the twitter integration on match-day chat, but could this box also be up on the home page 24/7? There'd be no need to go on any other site for news then, it would be really cool to come on here and see the team announced on the side on twitter.

Also, what happened to fanzine?

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Is there any value in keeping the chat function open 24/7? and making it able to run in tandem with the board - might save some of the rubbish on threads where it is basically 2 or 3 people having random conversations and creating pages of off-topic stuff, might also be good to have a bit of to and fro without having to actually create posts and since it could be wiped every 30 mins or so you wouldn't have to worry as much about moderating.....

Say the day time regulars decided to stay in the chat room all day there would be nothing on the forum to read later, the off topic board wouldn't be half as populated and there may have been a few posts on say Will Hughes or what have you that would of made interesting talking points on the forum.

Guests are unable to read what goes on in the chat room.

People to use the private conversation option would be better, that's what it's there for and members can have a chat with up to 5 other people

Final question why the hell do people want to be moderators anyway? You do a great job but it must be a pain....

The power!

Good job done by all, Froggg and Uttox mods of the year but I would still like my 10 ban tokens as advertised by Daveo....

The reason I chose not to leave it open 24/7 is the same reason I don't like shoutboxes on forums, it takes away content from the forum.

PM me a list of members and I will ban them right away

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I'd like to see a world map with little dots from where the posters come from.. So we can see how many rams there are around the world and what places they come from..

Other than that..

Just keep it easy and user friendly.. I hate what they've done to the likes of skype, facebook, hotmail etc.. It's so much better when it's simple and easy to use.. basic is better.

This forum is one of the best I've seen for it's design and outlay because it's just so simple..

I will look into adding a opt in map as some may not want to be listed, they could be on the run or whatever. With regards to the simple forum it will always be simple, that's the way I like it as well.

I'll leave you with an active top 30 country list for now, this is based on total visits....global brand? possibly.


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I like what you've done with the twitter integration on match-day chat, but could this box also be up on the home page 24/7? There'd be no need to go on any other site for news then, it would be really cool to come on here and see the team announced on the side on twitter.

Also, what happened to fanzine?

It could be but it's finding a place for it to go, if I was to add a separate page on the forum with a link in the menu would that be of any use?

What I have just done is linked the forum to twitter, through the forum status update feature you can send a status to twitter and you can also have your forum status import your tweets.


To set this up go to My Settings > Manage Twitter

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It could be but it's finding a place for it to go, if I was to add a separate page on the forum with a link in the menu would that be of any use?

What I have just done is linked the forum to twitter, through the forum status update feature you can send a status to twitter and you can also have your forum status import your tweets.


To set this up go to My Settings > Manage Twitter

I suspected that it would be difficult to fit it in, you could have it at the bottom below all the users, in the centre?

That's a nice little touch you've added there though.

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I will look into adding a opt in map as some may not want to be listed, they could be on the run or whatever. With regards to the simple forum it will always be simple, that's the way I like it as well.

I'll leave you with an active top 30 country list for now, this is based on total visits....global brand? possibly.


Yes, I scraped in to 30th place, Singapore is 13th?? really??, who is in Singapore? we could have a Derby Fans night out next time I'm there....

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