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Ex Factor


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Do any of you have ex's that were a bit weird?

You know, bit strange?

You thought it was quirky at first, then it annoyed the hell out of you?

I went out with a pole vaulter once, we used to practice the sport together in the garden.

One day she set the bar for 5 mts and told me she was leaving me for another man,

I never got over it.

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I went out with an Irish girl, we finished 6 months ago. I thought her raging catholicism was cute at first, I mean I had no reason to be bothered with it, but then I met her dad. They don't like the English too much that family, so I struggled to agree with anything they said. Lets just say that an English athiest and a patriotic, rarely sober, Irish, Catholic bitch was never a good idea.

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