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Everything posted by Ram-Alf

  1. For History Buffs, Sky History...all 3 1 hour episodes catch all 3 on Sky demand. Royal Kill List...King Charles 2nd revenge on the Regicides from 1660 Excellent bit of theatre πŸ‘
  2. I was there...re-fresh my memory πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  3. 1966 World Cup...over the line 😁 This was very contentious in the day ☺️
  4. Has Pride Park been re-named Agincourt Park😁
  5. This is still slo-moe... 😁
  6. The push/nudge was very cute, Something you see time and time again in football, What made it good for me from a football point of view was that the ball was looping down instead of being hit with pace(Sibley taking the pace off)this made it somewhat difficult for Bradley as he has to re-set himself in a couple of seconds...also if he was a little under the weather...why was he still thereπŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ
  7. FWIW I think he was signalling to his bench to have a look on their monitors, His antics did make me smile tho ☺️ And for those who didn't like the "we're having a party" cheer up what goes around comes around, I'm already getting party tickets printed for Birmingham City 😁
  8. And he was in goal...remember πŸ˜‰
  9. The cross took a knock off Sibley so looped into the air, Smiths arm clearly eased Bradley under the ball, Just what Roy MacFarland used to do πŸ‘
  10. Highlights https://www.skysports.com/watch/video/13093616/derby-county-2-1-reading-league-one-highlights
  11. The officials are crap down here so I'll thank this one, 1st goal was offside from the freekick...take either Bradley or Gayle as both were offside, Penalty looked to be handball by Gayle but the angle wasn't 100% As seen on Sky TV, Who gives a sh!t on how we win we've been fcucked over a good few times by p!ss poor officials this season😑 Move onto the next game ☺️ Edit Handball by Gayle 😊
  12. Letters from Iwo Jima...is here in 3 parts...with subtitles https://archive.org/details/letters-from-iwo-jima-english/Letters_from_Iwo_Jima_Part_012.mp4
  13. A tactical withdrawal πŸ˜‰
  14. A cracking film as was Hacksaw Ridge who featured Desmond Doss a real serviceman The USA service men in WW2 took as much shyte as the rest of the Allies in all battles, The atrocities of Malmedy and The 333rd Field Artillery at the Battle of the Bulge. USA filmmakers are notorious for making a fairy story out of facts
  15. I drink in the Railway in Belper when the Town are at home 😁 The last home game there were 4 people sitting behind us, 2 English(male/female and the same with the other 2 but Americans all 4 I guess were mid to late 50s, The Americans have an accent that stands out a mile. USA male was talking about Pearl Harbour...it got my attention and the horror the Japanese caused, He then went on and produced to say how the USA won WW2...if truth beknown without their manpower and equipment he wasn't far wrong, I really wanted to say summat but thought better of it. A couple or 3 pints later USA man said they have never lost a War, We were putting our coats on and I had to say...excuse me...but you have, Oh he replied which one and when. 1861/1865 American Civil War...the South lost...my mates 🀣 I'll give that series a miss...thanks for the info πŸ‘
  16. Out of that lot Crewton i'd say both Joe Ward and Kane Wilson as both of them aint looking too good 😁
  17. It's called Levity fella, You know...the treatment of a serious matter with humour or lack of due respect. Last Time I looked Charlton is in London, I never mentioned in my "fluff" that he was from London...but played for a club in London. Carry on πŸ™„
  18. "Mounting a tele" Ooo that's a hard one
  19. He's come from the smoke(that's old London town for the young uns)to Derby a sleepy little village in the middle of England, A place that's not known for razza ma tazz or the night life one might be used too. He'll find if he's not already noticed his wages will go a longer way in purchasing everyday stuffs...such as milk/butter and chickens eggs, You wont need another mortgage to take out for a beer, At the Joiners Arms where those that venture in there will be welcomed with a warm welcome and a finger pointing to their notice board where there's a good selection of Taxi services. The Ladies of the night who can be found around the Normanton area will great you with a cheery smile and a "alright lovey" can I help you with those heavy bags while talking to men who have stopped in their cars to ask for directions. He can go shopping in our new Derbion shopping mall which is full of fashionable shops, Cafes and a place where you can get your keys cut, There's even an upstairs where to get up there the stairs move, This can be confusing as I don't think they have them down the south. The only difficulty would be our language with a "alright me duck" or an "av ya sin me dog mate" we travel on Busses not Basses, We pronounce our U's like "wot ya fcuking luckin at yoof" and not "oh hello may I help you". Once CBT has got through all this he'll find that Derby is one hell of a good village and a vast number of the fans will encourage him in his endeavours, Of course there will be a few that expect all players to jump off the Bus running and be an instant hit, But those few still get confused with moving stairs.
  20. The real picture...Kate is fibbing about her real age
  21. Yes, And some 40 years ago Prince Philip was killed in a kite flying accident, Ever since that sad day they've had Christopher Lee dug up and stuffed
  22. Fancy getting the sack for that 😁
  23. I woke up to the news on the radio this Morning that Kate the future Queen has had a photo withdrawn from publication, Ah I thought those nasty Russians have doctored a picture and superimposed her head on a nude model. Nope, It's to do with a chin, A sleeve, A jumper, A hand, A zip and a skirt, WTF is that all about https://news.sky.com/story/princess-of-wales-what-led-to-palace-admission-over-manipulated-photo-of-kate-13092481
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