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Everything posted by G STAR RAM

  1. That's nothing, some posters are actually attributing the upturn in form to themselves, claiming that Warne has listened to what the fans were complaining about and changing his tactics accordingly.
  2. If you subsequently win £15 on the lottery and then also want to spend that then yes, you are restricted.
  3. We do know for certain, its set out in the EFL rules for exiting administration. If DC had drawn up a business plan that the EFL were unhappy with, then we would have had to amend it. Therefore restrictions are in place. What level them restrictions are at is anyones guess, I wouldn't be surprised if even the EFL didn't know.
  4. The restrictions lasted for 2 seasons. Having to agree a business plan is a restriction. From memory, DC or SP said the EFL accepted our business plan without any amendments. What it does mean though is, if someone became available now that PW thought was the player that could get us over the line then we could only sign him within the constraints of the business plan. So although you're correct insomuch that we are acting within our self imposed constraints, I don't think its correct to say there are no restrictions. Just my take on it.
  5. Ah right, thats 1 out of the 10 signings we made, so doesnt seem much of a sample size. Here are the other 9... Martyn Waghorn aged 33 Sonny Bradley aged 31 Conor Washington aged 31 Curtis Nelson aged 30 Callum Elder aged 28 Josh Vickers aged 27 Ryan Nambe without a club Kane Wilson 5 appearances for his previous club Tyrese Fornah 1 appearance for Forest followed by 4 loan spells at lower league clubs None of them jump out at me as being players that we would have had to throw a huge salary at to acquire. And that would also make sense considering we were still under a business plan that had to be agreed with the EFL.
  6. Who do you think falls into that category?
  7. They played second half and we lost that half 1-0, and created nothing.
  8. Well being under EFL restrictions would make it a reasonable assumption. There's usually a reason why a player is available on a free transfer, either young and looking to get a move up the ladder, or old and surplus to requirements. I think most of our signings fall into the latter category.
  9. If its clearly offside yes. In a situation like this though I'd prefer to see the ball in the back of the net and the linesman given a decision to make.
  10. As I said no details to give as its already been stated that no fees were paid in the summer. Obviously I'm not aware of the information regarding signing fees, agents fees and wages that you appear to have available....
  11. JJ tried to be clever and lost the ball. Collins was rightly going mad at him.
  12. No, apparently a transfer is only free if they play and are not paid 🤣
  13. On that basis, there has never been a free transfer in the history of the game. All the times people must have been mistaken when they said it...
  14. Yes, its been stated numerous times that no fees were paid for players in the summer. And when people refer to free signings, I think most sensible people know that agents fees and wages are not being taken into account.
  15. When JJ first got the ball? Not for me
  16. Given that he may actually be able to spend some fees as opposed to bargain basement freebies you mean?
  17. Did think some would still find a way to blame Collins 😂
  18. Same lack of desire that led to us being knocked out of the FA Cup by Crewe. Shame we didn't learn from that. To get knocked when pretty much playing our best team is a disgrace to be fair.
  19. Thats not true, he tried to be clever when he could have squared it to Collins with an empty net infront of him...
  20. No, I'm talking about famous people who would no doubt have the usual pile on.
  21. Id say its just as likely that there are a large number of people with the same view as Barton but they are sensible and realise airing their view isn't worth the repercussions.
  22. As I'm sure you're aware, both played at the top level of MENS football during the 80s. When their views became outdated and irrelevant to the modern game they were cast aside, but at least they were relevant and a point in time. I daresay the same would happen to Lineker had he not joined in with the box ticking.
  23. I meant look whats before you on your screens... Agreed re Hansen and Lawrenson, both awful.
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