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Everything posted by ariotofmyown

  1. I was just thinking that. Looks really confident, amazing what a few (15) goals can do. Weird, as I'd read loads of posts earlier in season about how rubbish he was.
  2. The team with 29% possession? Oh, who also just conceeded.
  3. Think we look ok and the ball and will create some chances. Bit worrying how easily they have got through twice on their right though.
  4. The latest victims of Prince Andrew.
  5. Fleetwood fans who had passed away in last year
  6. I was wondering yesterday if Cashin could step up into midfield in possession. Possibly has started like that.
  7. That's what Villa fans were saying on their way to Wembley.
  8. Listening to radio before watching on TV. I think Gibbo is great, takes me back to the old days with Graham Richards.
  9. Think they are doubling down as there have been 10 weeks or so now of their drivel looking even more stupid that normal.
  10. Is this post just to deliberately to wind people up who get bored of our players getting totally over-the-top abuse? I hope so, because if these are you true feelings you need some help. Take care.
  11. And this is on the back of 8 wins and a draw from 10!
  12. It isolation, maybe harsh. But they post the same negative drivel all the time. And if calling someone a baby who is absolutely terrified on our back 3 is harsh, how do we judge poster that utterly slate our players? It's ok, because they are "famous"?
  13. I know the response to this will be "it's a forum, why can't people have opinons" but the matchday thread would be much more interesting and readable without the stream of drivel from the same 2 or 3 posters.
  14. So Cashin and Nelson have been great for weeks. Bradley had looked better in recent sub appearances, at least compared with his poor start (which means he'll be written off forever). Vickers has looked solid in the past and probably deserves a chance after Wildsmith's poor two games. Yet this absolutely terrifies you?? What a baby.
  15. So you are implying that he would be ok making these changes against higher teams in the league? Can't believe Bradley is playing...he made a mistake at the start of the season! Hope we all boo him from the off.
  16. Thought I'd get in the mood by reading through this thread. 2 or 3 dire posts, which sets us perfectly for a normal matchday thread!
  17. They also never attacked Uruguay or Micronesia. Spooky.
  18. Was getting a bit bored of this war now, needed a new plot line....hold on, in come Islamic State. Not sure we saw that twist. Will IS join forces with Israel vs Iran and friends? Israel were already having closer ties with the Gulf States and Saudis, so an unlikely combo cannot be ruled out. Any thoughts who might join up on the Hamas/Iran side now? Russia might fancy it perhaps? We does the US now support? IS are probably the worst terrorists right? Although I'm sure there was talk of IS links with the Hamas attacks? Maybe Hamas will join the IS side? With Israel? Exciting times!
  19. Yeah that is right. Was probably aware of We Are Derby since mid 90s, but didn't know it was Sailing until about 10 years later!
  20. Good shouts. Did Dailly go off the back of decent international performances like Jeff? Seth Johnson was a good price, but it was his wages that sounded the biggest joke from the story of his signing! Did we get decent money for Saunders and Wright for the time?
  21. I'd been going to Derby for over 10 years before I even knew We Are Derby was Sailing!
  22. Not sure if we are that bad historically. Perhaps bad when we've splashed the cash, good when funds were limited. But sellers? Is anyone as bad as us? From Goddard onwards, have we ever sold somone for more than we believed they were worth? Vydra maybe?
  23. I think Sailing sang at the same tempo as the actual song would be awesome. Who decided we have to sing the speed garage version?
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