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Ram a lamb a ding dong

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Everything posted by Ram a lamb a ding dong

  1. Knowing how Derby fans are, they will boo him for the rest of the season. I really do find it so depressing that players leave to join these Mickey Mouse outfits. Granted Bristol are tier 2, but they have and never will be anything other than cannon fodder
  2. Not going to happen so focus on something else. Football is worse since B Davies and we somehow come up with another win. As soon as I saw the teamsheet today I knew we were in trouble. We need something in the middle and Tommo brings that in abundance. I won't single out players as many were woeful but I will give a shout out to Sonny. I watched him v closely and he brought control to the team when he came on. I think he has lost some of his aerial ability but that wasn't needed towards the end. We have been bitten hard by injuries, and that's what happens when you shop at bargain basement and pick up 30+ and injury prone. Fwiw I feel we will be top 6 at best and may or may not go up. It will require another transfer window with the handbrake off to get the team in good health. Do I like the style of play? Hell no Would i make a change if I were in charge? Probably not Will Warme get us up? Not sure What tactical change would I make? Legs in the middle as the tactics are clearly to bypass the middle I feel for CBT. If I were him I would have lost my s***. It was almost as if the tactic was to ignore him. Sibley (MOTM.....) opted to ignore him and try and beat 10 players on his own each time.
  3. I'm abroad so not too sure what cracked off r,e JJ
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