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Posts posted by Day

  1. That's a watch for pilots. Although my friends suggest from time to time that I'm a high flying guy I just don't need that kind of a watch. Those are too big, too heavy and the dial are far too restless for my taste. You see I'm but just a simple peasant from far far away.


    Too heavy? sounds like you need a gym membership

  2. Rolex is very well branded. It also have very high quality in house caliber movement. Rate results are excellent. PVD coating is great. Bracelet and clasp are very good. And it keeps it value very well.

    And although buying a Rolex would be a good move I don't like them either.

    That sounds lovely but why £4000?

    Will it give me a different time to my phone, computer and kitchen clock?

  3. "http://www.chog.org.uk/Images/image15" alt="image15">


    scorchio :cool:


    August 1st

    A really hot day saw an equally decent selection of birds. At around 7:00 an Osprey cut through the area to the east, while an hour earlier a flock of 26 Crossbill headed over Wick in the same direction. A couple of Wood Sandpiper came up from the Wooden Bridge area and a Green Sandpiper left Priory Marsh to settle in Central Marsh, with other waders recorded coming courtesy of: a Spotted Redshank west, likewise 11 Greenshank,  including a flock of seven, and a Grey Plover; 3 Common Sandpiper, 12 Whimbrel, 2 Sanderling and 3 Ringed Plover. There was also a surprising number of passerine migrants about Stanpit, not least a Wood Warbler in the North Scrubs along with 10 or so Willow Warbler. Elsewhere about the marsh, there was a juvenile Cuckoo, a Grasshopper Warbler, 2 Lesser Whitethroat, 70 Sedge Warbler and a Yellow Wagtail. Aerially, 85 Sand Martin headed into the easterly wind and 37 Common Tern went with the breeze; also a further 17 Common Tern settled and at least 3 Little Tern around. Finally, five or so Bearded Tit were logged.

    Yeah yeah bird man but was there any trains about?

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