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Van der MoodHoover

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Everything posted by Van der MoodHoover

  1. Or run his contract down because he thinks dcfc is a positive career step?
  2. Not until we see the corner flag...... Now we've dropped 40k or whatever in prize money we might be back in the bargain basement......
  3. I think we're all violently agreeing that there is no basis for making the comment the pw is forced to make "bargain basement" signings.
  4. Ah, the forum coach party got to the game then....πŸ˜‰
  5. The really clever thing to do would be to put in a half arsed effort in every remaining cup match to focus on the league πŸ‘
  6. That's the sort of world leading journalism I'm looking for from the BBC.....
  7. Wasn't there talk at the time that our recruitment priortised out of contract players, because by avoiding fees we could afford higher wages and thus attract better players? The OP used the term "bargain basement". There is no evidence they're cheap in the absolute sense as we don't know the wage commitments.
  8. I was agreeing with you and adding to the list of underwhelming additions last summer.
  9. Cut up your cardboard sheep's mask..... that'll learn them!
  10. Perhaps muster a half-arsed grumble to show them?
  11. Exactly, with a stirring performance in front of the home faithful to boot...... ....wait.....hang on........oh.......
  12. Don't understand the logic of playing first teamers if you're not going to really try to win it. If we'd gone out playing the kids we might have learned something about them and not risked injury to 1st team squad members. We'd also be no worse off.
  13. Can't even read match report as the BBC can't be naffed to pay for the syndicate article.
  14. Well if this is us "going for it" please can we not bother attempting promotion please Paul?
  15. That name change has made him a new player!
  16. Fornahs becoming a big let down. Had high hopes for him.
  17. Got home late from work. Should I invest a tenner for the 2nd half? Reading the comments is not encouraging, but I don't want to let my half fan crown slip......
  18. Random Twitter? I thought it was your kebab vendor of choice......
  19. I'd start all of them in every game. But then I am Paul Warne... πŸ˜‰
  20. I can't imagine why anyone would doubt the veracity and integrity of a Cornish Patsy. I'll bet she's wholesome and highly seasoned. Possibly stuffed full of meat.....
  21. Are you implying that he's in the team just to swing his balls into the box? @hintonsboots, over to you I think......
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