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Returning ram

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Everything posted by Returning ram

  1. Another good win, wasn't in doubt for me, thought we looked the better team throughout. That said, I worry our injuries will catch up with us, teams are playing more deep and compact against us and we are missing that depth to offer us something different when coming off bench. Good to be talking about what's happening on pitch again though, shows we are heading in right direction ๐Ÿ˜
  2. I think the poster is saying you can't compare the players based upon them being of similar ability. You asked why the two players you mentioned are treated differently to Sibley, the answer came back that the other two have shown more to their game in a Derby shirt than him. All comes down to opinion at the end of the day, but one that has been backed by several Derby managers. For me at 22 years old and 120 odd games under his belt, him not being able to secure a regular starting role at in a Div 1 team, says where he is at his career and isn't a reflection on the manager or fans, just a reflection on his performances. Id, like most, including PW, would be more than happy if he secured that place, because it would be beneficial to the team and always good to see an academy player do well.
  3. I'm confused, if we win tonight, we go one point behind 2nd place, with the same amount of games played ? 2 points extra over every 6 games would give us an additional 10 points... what am I missing please ๐Ÿ™
  4. League 1 stats or including the cup ? Let's face it, if he is held in such high regard by other managers, given his contract situation and lack of playing time under PW, he should have a queue of clubs waiting to sign him next month.
  5. Never let anyone judge you, bring your children up the best way you feel fit, there is no right or wrong way. Get them signed up to pay football as soon as you can. Good luck, you'll need it ๐Ÿ˜Š
  6. You sure it was Warne, according to some on here he doesn't watch academy games....
  7. WTF, comparing Cooper to a childhood sweetheart and bedding them, looking at the bloke, how could that thought even enter your head. You need help pal ๐Ÿคฃ
  8. Possibly, although you need buyers. Will be interesting to see the demand for all 3 and where that comes from.
  9. Because all 3 progressed through the academy, are out of contract soon, are the only players regularly playing in the first team and are of similar age. I didn't say he was the worst, only that imo the other two have proven to be players established in the first team, Sibley has not, therefore if one was to go, which one would you choose as being the biggest loss at the moment. im not saying you're wrong, just for me, in my opinion nothing more nothing less, he doesn't have the same impact as other players and whenever I see him on the ball, I don't sit up with excitement thinking he is going to do something out of the ordinary. Yes he has his moments, but for me that's all they are, far and few between them and why managers haven't trusted him for an extended run in the team. CH was awful as well, got taken off, maybe should have been sooner, but plays a different role and is ending his career, so not a LFL comparison for me.
  10. So you're saying I'm repeating old tripe but you agree it impacted his game on Saturday ? No point on us going around in circles around this, as we won't agree, as I alluded to in the above post, hopefully he will kick on in his career, but imo based on what I'm seeing at the moment, it won't be any higher than this level. I am often wrong though ๐Ÿ˜
  11. I'd love to be wrong on him, but the days of playing just in one role have gone, if he does move on, he will come across the same problem that he has done under the previous managers who struggle to find a place for him, because simply put, there are players who perform better than him. I read all the time how poor this league is, so he should really be tearing it up, yet for me, he never produces a performance where you watch and think, wow, there is a player there. As I say, hopefully he will push on, ideally with us, but if it was one of the academy players on the team that you'd lose out of the three, which one would you pick ?
  12. Just checked, total of 894 mins he has played, therefore in effect one every 180 mins. It's not the number he picks up, just that he is a passenger off the ball once that happens.
  13. Has 5 in 18 games, not sure how many came from when he started.
  14. He was for me, once he picks up his obligatory yellow card, may as well take him off. Always thought Sibley was going to be better than Hughes, unless he starts to fulfil that potential he will be another Mason Bennett.
  15. Which is what the manager pointed out. As post from @Crewton Wycombe did a job on us, it's easy after the game has finished to point out where we went wrong, a bit more difficult during a game to find the solution to it. Personally I think it's a bit naive to just look at the tactics as the reason every time we drop point's. I have managed for years (no where near the level we watch and don't pretend to be any good!) and there has often been times when I have set up team to stop the opponents doing what they are good at. Only recently we needed something in a game against the runaway leaders, they had smashed everyone in the league and needed a win to take the title 3 games before season end. We spent the week focusing on the opposition play rather than our strengths, we sacrificed our best player to do a man marking job on theirs, we crowded the centre of the park, we surrendered possession, we played a higher line to condense the play, all of this was to stop them and was ugly. Their manager tried everything, on paper it was an easy win for them, yet we restricted them to 2 shots and almost won it on the breakaway. Football would be boring if everyone played the same way, plus there is always two teams that apply tactics, imo of course ๐Ÿ˜
  16. It's been brought in through to reduce the number of players time wasting. I like it to be honest, as many now just jump on and get on with it.
  17. Yes I'm sure that was the team talk before the game. That's why he didn't change it at all, he told them all to play that way and was happy with the performance ๐Ÿคจ
  18. Was it ? Not doubting you but what was different from the previous game ?
  19. Thought they got caught out when watching it at the game, seemed to be an overload of Wycombe players, not watched it back though. Maybe it was them pushing everyone forward with last kicks of game, lack of focus, poor management, or credit to Wycombe is needed, not sure but I thought very poor defending all round.
  20. Can't agree with that at all, it's a system that has earned us 5 wins on the bounce, seen us gain ground on the top 2 and move up the league. The players didn't perform today, sometimes you can point the finger at the manager, but today imo wasn't one of them. He made changes early, he made changes throughout, it still didn't make a difference, sometimes the players hold the responsibility on what happens on the pitch. Taking his interview out of context once again is no surprise, his words "point when you're playing bad is OK" shows that he is honest in opinion. He also mentions to many times crosses were out into the empty box, so he recognises believe it or not where the problem was.
  21. Thought she got all the major calls right, players didn't give her a choice with yellows and there can't be any complaints. The one that made me laugh was when fans were shouting for the player to come off after physio had been on, once again shows lack of knowledge of the rules.
  22. Sorry I really don't understand that rationale and just points to what the poster stated. Your saying that he hasn't posted because people saying the negativity is repetitive, then after the first dropped points in weeks...he puts a negative post. Id put money on us dropping points in the future, surely you have to take the season as a collective group of games rather than individual.
  23. Well according to this it's worth a lot more now ๐Ÿคฃ https://themovemarket.com/tools/propertyprices/derby-county-stadium-pride-park-derby-de24-8xl Have to say I have little expertise in this area, however surely the valuation of the stadium also includes the land that it sits on. Also looking at the cost of other stadiums, Coventry's for example, is 80m that wide of the mark ?
  24. With so many nearing the end of their contracts, I fully expect it to be a difficult window in balancing the offers against going for promotion and the consequences of such decisions, do you not agree ?
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