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Tall Peoplism


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Forget racism, sexism and all that shizzle for a minute, tall people in this country are victimised and it's about time something was done about it.

Fashion brands don't want to be associated with tall people, Jacamo shows us some love but it's crap you wouldn't wear.

I'm now looking to buy a new office chair today which is proving to be a ball ache, they are all so low I would have my knees rammed in my chin. I'm going to have to buy one and then buy cushions to raise the height.

I'm actually considering racking up a debt to a drug dealer so he smashes my legs to pieces then I can ask the surgeon to leave a couple of inch of bone out as he rebuilds my legs.

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I'm abit weird, massive legs and tiny body, I've got a mate that's 6ft 8" and he wears 34" trousers, I have to wear 36" which are impossible to find whilst trying to maintain my trendy look

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Yeah..at 6'4" i find it terrible. Footwear is bad enough, most of the time it is whatever is available, choice is not an option. Do not get me started on air travel...I want some room for my legs and not to have the person infronts seat wedged in my face.

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Oh, my heart bleeds for you tall people...

...oh wait, no it doesn't...

I'm 5ft 7in, think about how I feel! When in a crowd, or at a gig or similar, do all the tall people stand towards the back so that us shorta*ses get a look in? Oh no, they're too busy at the front, without a care in the world that we can't see a thing! And let's not go into all the patronising remarks I receive from time to time by people who are apparently 'cursed' by being so tall. You lot don't know how lucky you are...

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I'm abit weird, massive legs and tiny body, I've got a mate that's 6ft 8" and he wears 34" trousers, I have to wear 36" which are impossible to find whilst trying to maintain my trendy look

You are looking in the wrong places then Daveo. Have a look at littlewoods. That's where my Mrs gets my 36" jeans from (although I have to wear a belt with mine as my thighs are too big for 34" I wish I never cycled as much as I used to now) 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' /> 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':P' />

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Next do 35" which I've been getting, G Star do 36" when I'm feeling rich and can afford a pair of £100 jeans. Look at anywhere like River Island, Burton, Top Man, Superdry, Fly53, Duck & Cover and you're looking at 32" leg max, what's that all about? 32" is for midgets

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