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Brian Clough Feature 7pm ESPN Classic


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Hey folks,

I read the forum most days and have meant to set up to give my two penneth for a while.

This is just a heads up really that there's a feature on Sir Brian on ESPN classic (sky 429) at 7pm tonight.

Description just says;

''Has there ever been a more charismatic football manager than Brian Clough? This film captures him during Derby County's initial run of shock success.''

No doubt many of you have seen it before but based on the description I figure it beats Emmerdale or whatever else is on at 7!

Also sorry if this should be in Entertainment section or elsewhere!

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great to see this - particularly loved the bit where the interviewer asked Clough if he was worried that 35 year old Dave Mackay wouldn't be able to cope with the physical demands of the first division - Clough's reply was that he didn't have Mackay for his physical ability, but for his reading of the game, his organisation and his 20 years of football experience - if he'd wanted the physical side he'd have got a 19 year old that could run about all day - and they'd lose every game!

Seems that Nige hasn't quite sussed this yet....

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well we have Tom Carroll on loan and still don't have an experienced head - there's a difference between talking about it and actually doing something....

Nige said he wanted Eustace, couldn't get him and so got a 19 year old - we haven't exactly pulled up any trees since Tom signed have we? If Eustace is the only experienced head that our management are aware of then I'm more than worried.....

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