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Let's Talk al-Notts Rovers


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Under a thread titled "We've Lost that Loving Feeling"

for me it's the cancerous apathy

too far gone these days. The odd match and a few beers but its gone for me and my family come first

I think there has been a growing sense of disbelief and resulting apathy at the appalling way the club has been run over the past few years. Disastrous PR, infighting, bizare and dreadful decision making and a succession of terrible managers and players being brought into the club. Megson Kinnear and Cotterill are people I absolutely detest in football and their appointments have served to destroy my enthusiasm for my club. I wasnt a Davies fan either (personality) and so the last ten years have been really tough for me.

Not renewing next season, I have a young family and will spend more time with them. I feel cheated out of my £430 this season.

I can afford a season ticket but its a struggle and I'd rather put the money towards a family holiday than do someting that more often than not makes me annoyed when I'm there and puts me in a mood for the rest of the night.

For me the tide turned when Megson was the manager

Look at the a block these days, it's depressing. People have forgot how to support the team. Half will boo and abuse in an instant, the other half can't bring theirselves to muster a chant unless we're 3-0 up battering someone. It's poor.

It really wouldn't take a massive amount to get me going again even though I haven't been for ages. Number 1 would be honesty, with number 2 being fun.

I'm moved over to England this year with the prospect of getting down to the City GRound on a regular basis, to watch a side gunning for promotion. What a let down. **** football with a side totally devoid of passion

I pretty much gave up when Megson was appointed. The demolition of Hart's play off side was bad enough but then Megson's arrival was the final straw. I was so certain it would be a disaster I consciously distanced myself in preparation for the years of disappointment that were to come. I've got very little interest these days, it doesn't even really feel like Forest anymore. I've only been to a handful of games since and I haven't paid for any of them.

I'm not going to get involved with anything that makes me frustrated and annoyed, and I'm certainly not paying for it. Maybe if the club was competently run with a proper purpose and identity, a manager I had reasonable faith in, and attempted attractive attacking football I might get interested again but I doubt it to be honest.

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Oh, this one's priceless;

Don't like saying this about the club i'm a supporter of, but i've always thought Derby's fans were more loyal, or at least they go to games in greater numbers. Even when we were doing very well for the last couple of season, we averaged no more than 24k, Derby's im sure would be closer to 28k. Even though they've not even threatened the top six since coming down from the Prem.

Maybe it's true what Clough said, maybe Derby is a more traditional footballing town.

Oh dear......

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Derby have been getting relegated every year

We should be used to it by now.

I've made an offer and i stand very firmly by that offer - I bet any Forest fan that Derby will finish higher in the division, if they don't I will take a year suspension from watching all football (not sure how you could enforce that) but you have my word and if Derby finish higher than Forest they have to do the same!

The one I asked (think it was dave) bottled it... they're just gassin' at the minute, I doubt their actual belief in their side stems further than a lower mid-table finish.

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Just as a matter of interest, have you been making that same offer for the past 15 years?

'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

2 seasons a side, I could of done 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> but in all honesty I just don't like that Forest side at the minute, there is a couple of players in there that I think are alright - but on the whole there is ton of them I would stay away from.

Also don't know how long SOD will stay, I know how long he was scouting kuwait for them 3 players and now the stupid FA wont let them have them.... he'll be close to walking sure... 'http://www.dcfcfans.co.uk/public/style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />

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We should be used to it by now.

I've made an offer and i stand very firmly by that offer - I bet any Forest fan that Derby will finish higher in the division, if they don't I will take a year suspension from watching all football (not sure how you could enforce that) but you have my word and if Derby finish higher than Forest they have to do the same!

The one I asked (think it was dave) bottled it... they're just gassin' at the minute, I doubt their actual belief in their side stems further than a lower mid-table finish.

I will take you on that offer. I have every faith that SoD and his team are one of the best in this division, and although i'm not betting on them winning anything just yet, i'll be damned if I see them finishing below Dierby.

Therefore I throw your offer away sir, I care not what you do if Forest finish higher. If Derby finish higher however I shall remove myself from football for a year, and as a result I will not be seen on this forum and you can hang my beautiful meme face on your parlor doors for all to see the fool that made a bet against Derby.

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I will take you on that offer. I have every faith that SoD and his team are one of the best in this division, and although i'm not betting on them winning anything just yet, i'll be damned if I see them finishing below Dierby.

Therefore I throw your offer away sir, I care not what you do if Forest finish higher. If Derby finish higher however I shall remove myself from football for a year, and as a result I will not be seen on this forum and you can hang my beautiful meme face on your parlor doors for all to see the fool that made a bet against Derby.

I hope you will also retire from LTLF

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I will take you on that offer. I have every faith that SoD and his team are one of the best in this division, and although i'm not betting on them winning anything just yet, i'll be damned if I see them finishing below Dierby.

Therefore I throw your offer away sir, I care not what you do if Forest finish higher. If Derby finish higher however I shall remove myself from football for a year, and as a result I will not be seen on this forum and you can hang my beautiful meme face on your parlor doors for all to see the fool that made a bet against Derby.


Gentlemans agreement it is! I applaud your courage and hope that defeat at the end of the year doesn't damage your spirits!

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You'll be damned if Derby finish above Notts Forest?

Have you said that much over the last 15 years?

We won't get relegated. I bet my DCFCfans account on that. And I'm a raite sad barstool. I read everything on here. I'm just glad I do it all from me phone or I'd be stuck in the house.

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