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Arsenal glory days gone ??


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never underestimate a great manager

Sir Alex Ferguson has repeatedly got rid of his galacticos and its made no difference.

And Wenger IS a great manager.

Agree with that too.

His weaknesses are obvious. He's had the same problems for years and everyone can see where he's coming up short.

But wow! What a masterpiece he's created. Can you imagine anyone else managing Arsenal? What a tough act to follow. Even more so that Ferguson because he's given Arsenal a very strong identity. The strongest in the country.

I think Mourinho is a genius, if anyone can topple this Barca side then imo it can only be him. But i'd hate to see him go to Arsenal say. I think he'd get them winning trophies. But they'd become so much "nastier". The beautiful football would take second row. That wouldn't be what i'd want if i was an Arsenal fan.

Don't like Wenger though! Moaning sod.

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if any of you use to follow basketball do you remember the Chicago Bulls team that had , Jordan , Scottie Pippen , Dennis Rodman , Longley , won everything for years ,, then one year decided to get rid of all the team and start from youth, have not won a thing since,, could be a case for Arsenal except they have not really won anything recently

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I think Arsene just wants a shake up, get rid of players that cause media attention and bring in some new talent. Plenty of money to spend, great youth setup and a few hardnut CBs will certainly be in by the end of July. I wouldn't be to concerned if i was an Arsenal fan, Cesc is amazing but what good is he for club harmony now. Ferguson wouldn't let it draw out that long, get shot and get the cash.

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No doubt some Arsenal fans will question the ambition, question the manager and what have you but at the end of the day all 3 want to leave. £60m+ I'd be quite happy with, Wenger won't go out on a massive spending spree that's not his style and Arsenal fans should know that by now.

I also don't see Arsenal becoming a mid-table team as said in this thread, they will however face a tough battle with Liverpool and Spurs for 4th place, can't see them finishing below 6th.

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