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Xbox vs PS3


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Would recommend getting a slim pointless getting one of the old ones if you dont play it that much get a 4gb which can be bought second hand for £110,

I have a ps3 for single player games and blu rays and an xbox for cod and multiplayer games xbox online is so much better than psn

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Halo's vastly overrated IMO.

I prefer the xbox for online gaming, but the PS3 has better exclusives (Heavy Rain, Killzone, GT, Ratchet & Clank, Demon's Souls etc)

Gears of War is better than all of those... probably put together

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Only KZ is anything like Gears, the rest are completely different.

That being said, Demon's Souls is one of the games of this generation.

Doesn't have to be similar to be enjoyed more though does it?

The only exclusives PS3 have which are decent are Uncharted and Infamous. To me, Gears of War and Halo are just as good, and in gears' case, far better.

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Doesn't have to be similar to be enjoyed more though does it?

The only exclusives PS3 have which are decent are Uncharted and Infamous. To me, Gears of War and Halo are just as good, and in gears' case, far better.

Neither Gears or Halo come anywhere near Uncharted 2. Halo 3 was a poor launch title, ODST was effectively a mini-game, and whilst Reach was the best of this generation's Halo games, it still falls far short of a lot of other FPS games.

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Neither Gears or Halo come anywhere near Uncharted 2. Halo 3 was a poor launch title, ODST was effectively a mini-game, and whilst Reach was the best of this generation's Halo games, it still falls far short of a lot of other FPS games.

Halo 3 was 10 times the game of either of the other two Halos and still has millions of players and is played professionally. It is an online based game, yet still has a good story. I have to completely disagree with you.

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Halo 3 was 10 times the game of either of the other two Halos and still has millions of players and is played professionally. It is an online based game, yet still has a good story. I have to completely disagree with you.

Well I'm happy to disagree. Halo's a marmite franchise, you either like it or you don't. Personally, IMO, after the original game it's been a franchise of diminishing returns as each game gets gradually worse than the previous incarnation. Hopefully things will improve now that 343 are running with the IP instead of Bungie.

It's no longer anywhere near close to being the best FPS anymore, and in terms of enjoyment, it simply can't compete with the likes of Uncharted, Assassin's Creed, Arkham Asylum etc, which are all far superior.

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PS3 console itself is much better. Personally I prefer PSN over XBL mainly as you don't have to pay. £40 for cross-game chat (which is the only thing you lot get extra) isn't worth it to talk to someone on another game.

XBL has all the ******** with Twitter on it, who the **** wants to tweet that they just shot someone on CoD? I have a computer for that.

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You can argue functionality as much as you like, but when it comes to XBL vs PSN then I'm afraid it's a non-contest. The old adage of 'you get what you pay for' is very apt in this situation. XBL is fully integrated, secure, stable and oozing online functionality that PSN can only dream of.

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You can argue functionality as much as you like, but when it comes to XBL vs PSN then I'm afraid it's a non-contest. The old adage of 'you get what you pay for' is very apt in this situation. XBL is fully integrated, secure, stable and oozing online functionality that PSN can only dream of.

Have to agree. I'd love a PS3 for the blu-ray and some of the exclusives, but the fact I play online so much just makes it a no brainer.

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I have both. Anything that I know I'll be playing online and is cross-platform then I get it for the 360 - it's a no-brainer. CoD, Fifa etc

To be honest, I use the PS3 for exclusives, as I do prefer the PS3 roster, but other than that, and a number of PS One classics, I tend to play far more on the 360 still.

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Obviously you are never going to settle this debate, but to simplify it for myself, I would put it like this:

If you play online a lot, 360 is the right choice

If you play on your own a lot, PS3 probably a better choice

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The only time i've ever wished i had a PS3 was when Heavy Rain was released. Looks mint that.

Not a big Halo fan tbh. Never bought them.

For online play the 360 gets the nod so they say

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xbox 360, the online on ps3 is generally more laggy and it did go off for around 3 weeks, (never happened with xbox live) without the xbox team the ps3 wouldn't even exist as sony couldn't get it too work and needed their help.

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