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Cardiff City v Derby County


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I take Derby very much with a pinch of salt now and I'm not the only one who thinks the majority of our fans are a bunch of idiots who seem proud that everyone else pities us and seems to think it's funny.

Don't get me wrong, a lot of the time the actions of our fans p*sses me off beyond belief (a lot of the songs particularly), but yesterday I thought it was a good showing. Fair enough you disagree.

Personally I think the recent praise from some teams for our away support has been a bit over the top and to be honest undeserved - Palace away was nothing special, we took hardly any, we weren't amazingly loud and yet they came out with comments like "best fans this season" - God knows what everyone else's fans were like. You can also guarantee that this is all going to be going to everyone's heads, our away support will get worse, we'll end up doing conga's at every remaining away game this season and it will just be smalltime and cringeworthy.

It's similar to when we were lumped with the tag of "most loyal fans" after the Premier League disaster - everyone believed it and it's now used as something to beat the club up with "we're Derby County, we've got a huge fan base, and the fans deserve better". No. We don't. We're no more loyal than any other teams die-hards, and we've soon lost the 8,000 hangers on from the Premier League campaign.

Having said that, yesterday was a great craic and good fun, despite the absolute pasting. Maybe it's because i've gotten numb and don't feel the pain of defeat like I used to as i've long since got used to it, but I still enjoyed myself yesterday.

Just read that post back and it's all over the place, but...meh.

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Don't get me wrong, a lot of the time the actions of our fans p*sses me off beyond belief (a lot of the songs particularly), but yesterday I thought it was a good showing. Fair enough you disagree.

Personally I think the recent praise from some teams for our away support has been a bit over the top and to be honest undeserved - Palace away was nothing special, we took hardly any, we weren't amazingly loud and yet they came out with comments like "best fans this season" - God knows what everyone else's fans were like. You can also guarantee that this is all going to be going to everyone's heads, our away support will get worse, we'll end up doing conga's at every remaining away game this season and it will just be smalltime and cringeworthy.

It's similar to when we were lumped with the tag of "most loyal fans" after the Premier League disaster - everyone believed it and it's now used as something to beat the club up with "we're Derby County, we've got a huge fan base, and the fans deserve better". No. We don't. We're no more loyal than any other teams die-hards, and we've soon lost the 8,000 hangers on from the Premier League campaign.

Having said that, yesterday was a great craic and good fun, despite the absolute pasting. Maybe it's because i've gotten numb and don't feel the pain of defeat like I used to as i've long since got used to it, but I still enjoyed myself yesterday.

Just read that post back and it's all over the place, but...meh.

Made some good points there though and I do agree with you on a lot of them. Can't really say about yesterday as I wasn't there but the Conga etc. Just always seems to me as though these people are proud to be embarrassed

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Made some good points there though and I do agree with you on a lot of them. Can't really say about yesterday as I wasn't there but the Conga etc. Just always seems to me as though these people are proud to be embarrassed

Can never win with some people.

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I wouldn't say some fans are proud to be embarrassed but it does annoy me when we do the conga, especially when we're losing. Did it away at Burnley two seasons ago when we were 3-0 down. I'm all for supporting the team when we're losing but the conga just seems like we're celebrating losing

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I wouldn't say some fans are proud to be embarrassed but it does annoy me when we do the conga, especially when we're losing. Did it away at Burnley two seasons ago when we were 3-0 down. I'm all for supporting the team when we're losing but the conga just seems like we're celebrating losing

Nowt else to celebrate. I suppose we'll all run on the pitch at the end of the season to "celebrate" the continued absymal record of both Nige and GSE, now that is embarrassing. No thank-you, suppose there'll be thousands there though clapping and cheering.

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I know that, I think that Doncaster and Palace have a good chance of overtaking us but I dont think that Ssausagehorpe, Blades or Preston do

I cant see us winning more than one game, its a case of them below us being more useless than us, bad hey?

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dodgy run in

I wouldn't say some fans are proud to be embarrassed but it does annoy me when we do the conga, especially when we're losing. Did it away at Burnley two seasons ago when we were 3-0 down. I'm all for supporting the team when we're losing but the conga just seems like we're celebrating losing

may as well enjoy the day and the conga, cos if we dont beat coventry next week we will be doing the conga at chesterfield and other meccas of football

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Don't see why you can't just agree.

  1. The Team is expensive and ****
  2. The manager comes up with stupid tactics but we all love him here
  3. We are mad that we are being constantly hard done by when there are clubs at the same level as us doing worse
  4. We have stupid owners
  5. Good fans that deserve more but is not going to happen in the foreseable future
  6. And that my spelling is not my strongest point despite doing A level English
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You can either sit their in dispair crying and shaking your head and sulk all the way home or you can get up and sing/do the conga whatever and try and make the most of it, i know i used to go to all the away games, miss going a lot, you just have to say sod it i have spent all this money no point in being down try and make the best of it and it does help a tiny bit anyway :D


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ffs the conga was done because we were 4-0 down yet there fans were acting as if they were the team losing 4-0.. derby fans just decided to make the most of a **** performance on the field and to make it into a bit of a party.. the amount of people in fancy dress gave me the idea that it was there last away day of the season!!

it made the day what it was.. a good day out.. beer flowing and all the fans singing and making noise.. the conga lasted about 1 minute and that was it..

tell u what there are sum right miserable sods on here.... if u dont wanna do it..dont do it..if u do then do it but dont knock people for enjoying themselves,, they earnt the money to go, they decided to go, let people do as they wish!!!

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No offence but why do you feel the need to tell every derby fan that visits this forum or who is a user on here about who our next opponents are what time kick off is and where and what time sure derby fans will no who our next opponents are :)

You'd think so but I know of at least one fan, maybe on a different forum, who missed a match

Anyway these threads are to give people somewhere to talk about upcoming matches.

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No offence but why do you feel the need to tell every derby fan that visits this forum or who is a user on here about who our next opponents are what time kick off is and where and what time sure derby fans will no who our next opponents are :)

who? me??

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