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Locked threads


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Why do people insist on starting these threads anyway?

Is it the emotional concerns that nobody will reply to there thoughts about a subject part way through a thread?

Is it a philological process of wanting to feel noticed, maybe they were made to play on their own as children ?


Maybe they lazy barstewards init!

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Why do people insist on starting these threads anyway?

Is it the emotional concerns that nobody will reply to there thoughts about a subject part way through a thread?

Is it a philological process of wanting to feel noticed, maybe they were made to play on their own as children ?


Maybe they lazy barstewards init!

To be fair, a new thread gets noticed a lot more than a random post in a 40+page thread.

I read all new threads, but get fed up and stop reading huge debates mid-thread.


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Why not just delete them? They seem to clutter up the 1st page quite a lot in rams talk. Or make a new area called junk and plonk them there?

Unfortunately if we did that, people would repost it - wondering where it went. At least with a locked thread, people know its not been removed, just pointed somewhere else.

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Alex is no doubt practicing heterosexual behavior somewhere.

You mean masturbation, right?

But RE: Locked threads, just shove em in another section. This one is called Feedback and support, create a new one called junk/locked threads. Make the rams talk area where most conversations happen look neater and older threads that have died down a bit remain on the front page, in case of fresh info...rather than new thread...if you catch my drift?

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You mean masturbation, right?

But RE: Locked threads, just shove em in another section. This one is called Feedback and support, create a new one called junk/locked threads. Make the rams talk area where most conversations happen look neater and older threads that have died down a bit remain on the front page, in case of fresh info...rather than new thread...if you catch my drift?

They'll not like you telling 'em what to do! :D

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