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Gadsby in takeover bid


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The lack of investment and backing of Billy will be the only stumbling block I think.

Other people may moan about his business dealings based on hear say, well as I said, that's business, and you have to do what you can to get it.

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You can't really criticise PG for backing Billy Bullsh1t - if he hadn't we'd be slating him for not backing the manager. He gambled and it paid off, we got promoted. Dunno how things went so badly - I still don't get how we blew 30+mil in a season. Yes there were bad signings and financial waste, but how much you can blame Gadsby for, how much is down to Pearson/Jewell etc, I don't know.

Anyway, I can't really get any passion up to see the current crop kept in position. I don't see any glowing future signing lower-leaguers and has-beens. So, if Gadsby thinks he can razz up 5m for players, I can't really argue. If he wants to profit at the same time, that's understandable.

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After listening to a lot of comments from people today and on the radio most seem against him coming back, and did he get the tickets for free wrong as Glick said ? i thought they were offered at reduced price ? i can see Gadsby's point there - he is trying to look after the fans - or is he trying to use as he thinks we we 'revolt' against the board ?

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ive heard abiut these 'free' tickets, from one of my mumd friend (reliable i know) but aparently there offered out at vastly reduced prices for kids, and a little less for adults going with them

nice move by glick and co trying to get more local kids watching derby than man u and chelsea

as for the gadsby thing, i wouldnt want him running my football club, in the background yeah sure, investing like many others would be nice too, but running no thank you, hes had his tiime in the sun and he wastted it

the only bit i liked was the bit about having fans on the board

and the more i read or here about glick and the yanks the more im warming to them, there passionate and here for the long haul to make this club big and not about building a cycling track near the ground, i mean really does derby need a velodrome?

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Who thinks the owners we have now are going to move us forward?

I don't see this happening anytime soon, lets face it in the last transfer window we were looking at posible relegation, So if you owned the club with a view to building a brighter future you would splash some cash to ensure survival, Not silly money but 2 mil?.

I belive they own us due to our fan base and gate receipts.

Yes Gadsby may be looking to make money from land around the ground, but he will sell all property around the ground for more if we are in the prem league. I just want us moving forward and we are not doing that now!!

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tbh, about the free tickets, what glick talks is lies. They give many free tickets away to a lot of people, my dad works at localhospital and the amount they give away is scary. They also offer vastly reduced tickets for most games round schools as well, like 12 quid. Tbh i absolutly hate the yanks, they have recatogorised a lot of seats at pride park like mine, so it is going to cost a lot more for watching **** football, also the lack of investment from the yanks is scary it's like they are squezing every penny they can, have these yanks even got money? at the moment they cant gurrantee championship football, that isnt maiing progress we are going backwards under this board and i think it's time they call it a day. I wouldnt say gadsby is the right man for the club because he is a robbing barsteward and a very shady businuss man but i cant stand these yanks

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Mr Gadsby & Mr Glick - How about a bit of common sense ?

Why does it have to be one or the other.

If Mr Gadsby has this money to invest in the club why can he not be invited in by the current board to invest in the club. He obviously has a vision for Pride Park and by the sound of it some welcome money to invest.

It is clear that Mr Gadsby obviously has the local backing and the support of a lot of fans, but the GSE board have clearly shown they are very capable businessmen and are putting the club right financially. If the two sides could be brought together I think that with Mr Gadsby and the current board acting together surely we would be quite a force to be reckoned with.

Why don't the pair of you settle your differences and as you both claim. If you both have the best interests of the club in mind get together around the table and find some common ground. Surely if Mr Gadbsy and GSE joined together the future could be very bright.

Is there anybody involved with the club who could act as a mediator between the two sides and negotiate a way for Mr Gadsby and GSE to see sense and really put Derby County FC first for a change.

To me this seems like the most sensible solution but obviously as this is Derby it will never happen

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The price of football is going up like it or not and it doesn't always reflect whats going on the pitch, did you see the Leeds fan that posted there season ticket prices and they haven't even secured promotion yet.

I also don't see a problem with the reduced price for school kids, because of the price of football alot of families cannot goto games, these are our fans of the future, would you rather see empty seats like the City Ground or kids paying £12 a seat and getting into Derby County?

Don't forget that whilst the kids are at Pride Park they will be buying a programme, drinks, food or maybe merchandise from the club shop.

Free tickets for random businesses on the other hand I don't agree with, unless they are part of a sponsorship deal.

Are we going backwards under the Americans? not at all, we are a club that is being rebuilt due to poor management both on the pitch and executive level, the Americans have reduced the debt and we're still in with a shout for mid table finish. When you consider the amount of players we have got rid of and the players Clough has brought in (Buxton), I don't see how anyone can say we are going backwards if we finish higher in the table than last season.

With regards to the signings, if we had signed Buxton for £1m from Man United, everyone would be singing Clough's praises at what a brilliant signing he was. I think alot of fans are blinkered by the transfer fee and where he comes from, if a player is good enough who gives a toss if we signed him for 5k from Burton Albion or £1m from Man United.

I'm not saying that every one of Cloughs signings have been top draw as they haven't, but you show me a manager that hasn't made duff signings, even Fergie has made plenty of duff signings over the years.

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Why does it have to be one or the other.

I get the impression Glick and Gadsby don't see eye to eye, having both would only cause problems in the board room. I made a tongue in cheek comment earlier in the thread about selling the land to Gadsby and giving Clough the money to spend in the summer, to me that seems a simple solution, Gadsby gets what he wants and the Americans keep the club.

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NIGEL Clough says the current owners of Derby County are the best people to take the club forward.

And Clough has questioned the timing of a takeover bid from former chairman Peter Gadsby as the Rams search for points to secure their safety in the Championship.

Gadsby launched a surprise £37m bid to buy back the club on Thursday night.

At the same time, the multi-millionaire developer unveiled proposals for a massive redevelopment of 70 acres of land around Pride Park Stadium, including new homes, shops, offices, a sports village and an improved road network.

The Rams' American owners, General Sports and Entertainment, have said the club is not for sale and Clough believes the last thing Derby County needs is more instability.

"There's been a fair bit around having lived here for 40-odd years and we've seen a lot of people come and go," said the Rams manager.

"And having seen a little bit from the outside and now the inside, we're convinced the current owners are by far the best people to take the club forward.

"The stability they have provided in the last couple of years is exactly what the club needs.

"We've got extremely good owners over in the United States and have got Tom Glick and Tim Hinchey here, who are doing a wonderful job in putting the club on a sound footing.

"When you look around the leagues, in the Premier League and around us, there are clubs in hock and in danger of going out of business. The owners of the club are putting the future of the club at the heart of everything they do."

Derby sit five points above the bottom three and face Doncaster Rovers away today.

"The timing of it (the takeover bid) comes with 11 games to go and when we can't rest easy," said Clough.

"I think anybody with Derby at heart would want to say 'let's concentrate on that and anything to be done should be done discreetly behind the scenes so it doesn't interfere with what we're trying to do on the pitch'.

"It could split the fans' opinion.

"But within the club, it'll make us stronger.

"It's a time when everyone sticks together, from top to bottom, and that certainly includes the supporters."


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Well, the plans mean the nature reserve will be gone.

What nature reserve? It's all ex gas works land and Railway sidings. There will be that much crap in the soil, the wild live won't be wild they'll be feckin livid.

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Gadsby is only interested in himself. He was a pain in the backside last time and made a small fortune out of us in double quick time. I wouldn't trust him with a barge pole (what a strange saying that is now I've written it).

The team are only going to suffer with all this nonsense going on.

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