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father's day


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19 hours ago, reveldevil said:

I got 4 big bottles of Punk IPA, and a bottle of Southern Comfort.

In return I gave him a lift to the airport, 600 euros, a packet of Durex (6 for £6 ffs), and made him promise to be as irresponsible as he can on his first lads holiday.

Short of balcony climbing, tattoos and giving his real name and address out, obviously.


 You were a trainee vicar?

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Normally I know it's fathers day when my daughters ask me to lend them money to buy me a present .This year however I got champagne tools for the garden as well as power tools they really pushed the boat out bless em .

However pride of place go's to my four year old grandson who sent me a card picked by himself as he wanted to send me a granddads fathers day card,  who knew they existed. 

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