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The Government has responded to the petition you signed – “Restrict the use of fireworks to reduce stress and fear in animals and pets”.

Government responded:

We are aware that fireworks can cause distress to animals. Restrictions on the general public’s use of fireworks, and permitted noise levels, already exist and we have no plans to extend them.

Current firework regulations allow fireworks for home use to be sold during the traditional firework periods of Bonfire Night (15 October – 10 November), New Year’s Eve (26 December – 31 December), Chinese New Year (the day of the Chinese New Year and three days immediately before), and Diwali (the day of Diwali and three days immediately before).

Suppliers who wish to sell fireworks outside the traditional periods must comply with stringent conditions before being granted a licence by their local licensing authority. This means the availability and use of fireworks outside the traditional periods has been greatly reduced.

The regulations also created a curfew preventing the use of fireworks between 11.00pm and 7.00am all year round with the exception of 5 November, when the curfew starts at 12 midnight, and New Year’s Eve, Chinese New Year and Diwali, when the curfew starts at 1.00 am on the night of celebration.

We understand concerns about the distress noisy fireworks can cause to pets, livestock and wildlife. This is one of the reasons that there is a noise level limit of 120 decibels on fireworks for home use. We realise, however, that even at this level fireworks noise can be distressing to some animals and refer owners to advice on keeping animals safe during fireworks periods. This is freely available from animal charities, such as the Blue Cross which gives both general and species-specific advice on its website.

In addition there is Government-sponsored advice and guidance on the safe and considerate use of fireworks on the Safer Fireworks website.

Excessive noise from fireworks, or noise during the curfew period, can be considered a statutory nuisance and local authority environmental health officers have the power to investigate complaints of fireworks noise and act to prevent it where appropriate.

Although there is some use of fireworks outside the traditional periods, we believe that the majority of people who use fireworks do so at the appropriate times of year and have a sensible and responsible attitude towards them. There are no plans at the moment to place further limitations on their use.

Department for Business, Innovation and Skills

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Has anyone else noticed the tirade in the media (mostly in America) about being culturally sensitive when dressing up for Halloween? This is totally new to me, has this been going on long?

I thought people dressed up as ghosts and stuff at Halloween. But apparently some people dress up as mariachis or Pocahontas for some reason. And now people are complaining it's racist. 

Look at these cretins

which has resulted in Brave New World-esque attacks on freedom to dress as one pleases such as this



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23 hours ago, StaffsRam said:

Damned straight, they should stick to those non-racist ghost costumes....


I don't really have a problem with it. There can't be too many black people on university campuses who have had dealings with a pretty much defunct racist organisation so claims of being triggered by it would be horse crap.

Nor did I have a problem with prince Harry wearing Nazi gear. I'm aware it's make believe so don't see the issue. I don't like racists, don't have a problem with people pretending to be racist by dressing like them for a night, especially when they're supposed to dress as monsters.

Is this ok?


I think it is. Many don't. I don't know what it's got to do with Halloween but apart from that I'm fine with it. 

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