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Illegal to smoke in car with U18 passengers


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I would say that lighting up at home would be far worse, if you think people in cars smoking will be sat next to a window that's down sucking out the smoke. At home you can be sat in the living room with no air coming in chuffing on fags all night with kids in the room exposing them to more smoke.

It's great this law will stop kids from being exposed to smoke during a 20 minute car journey but in the grand scheme of things it's pretty pointless unless you ban it at home as well which would be impossible as is banning fags because they make too much money.

Reminds me of Tesco banning Ribena saying they are thinking of kids healths whilst making a shed load of money on their super filled cereals and sweets.

A car is a more enclosed space, regardless of the window being down.  Matters little either way as people smoke round kids don't care as its their god given right to poison thenselves and anyone else that gets in their way.

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If you are 17 you can go to work, drive, have sex, get married with parental consent, sit at home and have a fag and a beer with your parents in the living room and be totally legal.

But if you jump in a passenger seat in the car and your Dad lights up a fag it could cost him a £50 fine.

And if he buys you Call of Duty, he's also in trouble

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