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Illegal to smoke in car with U18 passengers


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From 1 October 2015 it will be illegal to smoke in a car (or other vehicles) with anyone under 18 present. The law is changing to protect children and young people from the dangers of secondhand smoke. 

Both the driver and the smoker could be fined £50. The law applies to every driver in England and Wales, including those aged 17 and those with a provisional driving licence. The law does not apply if the driver is 17 years old and is on their own in the car.


Nice little earner for the government, what's your thoughts on this?

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So if four under 18s are in a car and all smoking do they all get arrested ?.

I'm surprised they didn't increase the smoking age to 18 from 16. The smoking age is 18 in Scotland and NI. Now they've got loopholes.

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Think it should be illegal in cars anyway. Can get stopped for eating or being on your phone as it's distracting. Don't get how this could be different - regardless of any health issues relating to the actual smoke.

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you do have to be 18 to buy tobacco products

Yes but you don't have to be 18 to smoke them in England/Wales. 16. In most countries you have to be 18 to buy but there's no restriction on the age you can smoke. It's really odd.

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I'm in favour of the ban but it's just another law which won't be enforced in reality. I've seen police cars ignore drivers on mobiles numerous times.

Initial targets will be set you would have thought, just to show there is a problem.

Hang around outside Grimsby schools and the Police will have a decent Christmas party this year

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Yes but you don't have to be 18 to smoke them in England/Wales. 16. In most countries you have to be 18 to buy but there's no restriction on the age you can smoke. It's really odd.

The difference was proabably not to criminilise those people who were already smoking aged 16 prior to the law change. A bit outdated now though

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If you are 17 you can go to work, drive, have sex, get married with parental consent, sit at home and have a fag and a beer with your parents in the living room and be totally legal.

But if you jump in a passenger seat in the car and your Dad lights up a fag it could cost him a £50 fine.

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If you are 17 you can go to work, drive, have sex, get married with parental consent, sit at home and have a fag and a beer with your parents in the living room and be totally legal.

But if you jump in a passenger seat in the car and your Dad lights up a fag it could cost him a £50 fine.

Also, while you can have sex, you can't watch someone else have sex on TV/the internet. Laws are fun.

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Ppl shouldn't light up with young kids in the car, to not think about the effect on them is just selfish.

Don't think anyone disagrees with that, anyone who does is a bit mad. 

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Don't think anyone disagrees with that, anyone who does is a bit mad. 

I see a few parents doing it on the school run, plus pregnant women.


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Ppl shouldn't light up with young kids in the car, to not think about the effect on them is just selfish.

I would say that lighting up at home would be far worse, if you think people in cars smoking will be sat next to a window that's down sucking out the smoke. At home you can be sat in the living room with no air coming in chuffing on fags all night with kids in the room exposing them to more smoke.

It's great this law will stop kids from being exposed to smoke during a 20 minute car journey but in the grand scheme of things it's pretty pointless unless you ban it at home as well which would be impossible as is banning fags because they make too much money.

Reminds me of Tesco banning Ribena saying they are thinking of kids healths whilst making a shed load of money on their super filled cereals and sweets.

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I always smoked outside of my house, at the far end of the garden. Fag smoke stinks yer house out, never mind it being unfair to others.

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Apart from traffic officers it'll go something like this -

PC - "Put it out mate, or it'll be the most expensive fag you've ever had, you've got littleuns in the car"

Driver - "Alright, sorry"

No good response officer has got the time to issue tickets for minor offences, simple as that.

I think the ban's good because it'll get everyone thinking about children's health.

I smoke in my car but only alone or with another smoker.


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