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ladyram baked me a cake!!


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​very impressive, why the mighty porto ? You have links with portugal

​One of my housemate's a Leeds fan so we thought we'd take up a hobby so we could agree on something. Then we got a bit carried away on Ebay.

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​Clean shaven as of today!

Can tell you one thing though, it aint ginger ;)

​So I'm more of a man than you then. Who's laughing now?

Yeah to be honest the colour isn't great, but I look even more like a lesbian without it, so it has to stay.

I'll put another one up of me eating it to prove that I don't look like Dusty Springfield though.

Edit: the cake, not my beard.

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Thanks but for your information ​I didn't get ID'd when I bought some vodka today so that shows how much you know RamNut. 

Yeah but you live in Nottingham......most 12 year olds buy vodka.

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