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How Many Games Until Your Worried


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Players that were linked with Premier League clubs (albeit promoted ones) and potential premier league quality players:






Wage budget increased this season most likely on the hope we will go up this season. If we don't go up this season I don't see us getting promoted for another 4-5 seasons. Wage bill will have to be cut.

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And if we can't beat Brentford how are we going to beat Watford, Wolves, Middlesborough, Norwich

Football doesn't work like that. We could lose to Brentford, smash Watford, beat Wolves with 10 men, get battered by Boro and nil nil with Norwich.

It's the Championship, the home of strange results now step away from the razors.

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Players that were linked with Premier League clubs (albeit promoted ones) and potential premier league quality players:






Wage budget increased this season most likely on the hope we will go up this season. If we don't go up this season I don't see us getting promoted for another 4-5 seasons. Wage bill will have to be cut.

Who was Martin linked with? Missed that one, despite him being probably the most suited to the Premier League.

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"your worried" should be 'you're worried'.


Am I worried?


Only in the respect that McLaren has not yet realised that Dawkins only has one reasonable game in every six and that he fails to comprehend that Bennett is far more worthy of a squad place than Best, also if you are going to play Mascarell then you must include Hughes as they have more vision than any other two and will unlock defences quicker than any of Fagin's motley crew.


In my opinion we are missing Jamie Ward and obviously George Thorne, the sooner they are back the better.

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Football doesn't work like that. We could lose to Brentford, smash Watford, beat Wolves with 10 men, get battered by Boro and nil nil with Norwich.

It's the Championship, the home of strange results now step away from the razors.

I agree with you to an extent but we have to beat what is in front of us. It's fine saying it's the championship results and form go out the window but if we have the better manager, stronger squad, better quality players, an expectation to perform results like Brentford aren't good enough in the wider picture. Of course it's too early to tell, Leicester lost 4-1 to Millwall I think last season unless someone can correct me otherwise. But teams are increasingly finding us out and are successfully getting results out of us and we don't have a response to that at all. N our next game the opposition manager will show the team videos of teams like Millwall and Brentford and Wigan that managed to completely nullify us. It will by very worrying if that keeps happening and we don't have a response to it.

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If we don't win the next 2 games I'll start thinking something is wrong. Can't afford to be out of form if we want promotion. The consequences of not getting promoted will be bad. Expect players to go.


Clearly you think something is wrong or you wouldn't have started this thread.


We lost a game. Nothing is wrong. They scored more goals than us.


There isn't a single quality side in this division and I include DCFC in that. We have a few more match winners in our side but more importantly, a settled group of players so that should see us finish in the top half a dozen.


If players are good enough then they will go irrespective of whether we go up or not. The players have no reason to stay with Derby. They will play for whoever offers them the bigger wage packet.

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Clearly you think something is wrong or you wouldn't have started this thread.


We lost a game. Nothing is wrong. They scored more goals than us.


There isn't a single quality side in this division and I include DCFC in that. We have a few more match winners in our side but more importantly, a settled group of players so that should see us finish in the top half a dozen.


If players are good enough then they will go irrespective of whether we go up or not. The players have no reason to stay with Derby. They will play for whoever offers them the bigger wage packet.

I think that's a harsh assessment of the team. We have quality, we have one of the best squads in the division and when we play well we can beat ANYBODY in the league. We aren't playing well.

I still think we will go up so I'm not worried in that sense. What I am worried about is games we have thrown away that should have been winnable games. That costs us points. Historically if we are serious about promotion we need to be top or near there Coe, Christmas. If we can't get points from winnable games then I will be concerned. Key players from last season aren't playing well like Bryson. It's not a season or a league where can afford to be 3-5 games out of form otherwise we will get left behind.

4th- 6th isn't good enough. Play offs are a lottery and GPR game proved that. Should have beaten them but we didn't take our chances. Too much of a risk to settle for the play offs. We need to be going for automatics for the sake of our own sanity.

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I agree and I was surprised when no-one came in for him, though I suspect a couple of teams may bid in January. 25 goals last season and 12 already this season; just hope we can hold on to him.

Will depend where we are comes January. If we are in and around promotion spots then there wouldn't be much, mid table/ chasing for play offs may be a different story. Martin is the second most important and key player to our promotion chances. First is Thorne, as I've said when Thorne comes back we will get promoted. No contest.

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Will depend where we are comes January. If we are in and around promotion spots then there wouldn't be much, mid table/ chasing for play offs may be a different story. Martin is the second most important and key player to our promotion chances. First is Thorne, as I've said when Thorne comes back we will get promoted. No contest.

We've done alright without Thorne so far... Thorne brings Premier League quality to the side and gels the midfield to make them the best in the league.


Martin is more pivotal, not only does he score important goals but we play mostly through him with his passing and hold up play and we've seen that none of our other strikers can do this.

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