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Anyone else think that the premier league is overrated?


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The Premier League?

The biggest drain in the World game if you ask me.

Haven't felt one iota of the perceived 'excitement' that the Sky Sports fanclub are telling me I'm feeling.

I live in London, and am surrounded by these armchair Arsenal, Spurs, West Ham, and Chelsea fans all day long.

They know nothing about football, and talk a lot of total ***** because they are spoon fed this Hollywood circus via their televisions and iphones.

They couldn't tell you the first thing about what actually happens out there on the pitch...wouldn't know the right way to lace up a pair of boots.

'The best league in the world?' ... according to employees of Sky Sports, such as Martin Tyler,who are paid to tell you that during their ever more banal and predictable commentaries - yes.

I could go on for pages and pages about how the modern game at top flight level, and the saturation-level coverage of it completely winds me up ... but i will spare you.

It's just a load of razzamatazz for the kids and the media moguls these days. Very little about real football whatsoever, and the fans are seen as worthless drones who are to be milked.

But then, I am just a grumpy man...who's youth is slowly slipping away.

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