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QPR fan in peace -- a little context


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Purely out of interest: this hatred of QPR for how the club has "gone about things".

Would it be so black and white, so vitriolic if, say, we were a small club in Blackburn, maybe, or Wigan that bought success?

And another thing: if our spending had led us to success in the Premier League rather than the abject failure. Like Fulham, say, or Stoke, would it have made a difference to your hatred.

Be honest...

Tbh i don't really believe anyone hates QPR

I think we're just getting a bit pumped up before the final.

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Just found this on the Wearerangers website.. PMSL internet warriors.



To be fair though a few tell the OP to shut up.



Can't see what it says, think you need to be registered to see it.


Well, don't bother. It's some tw*t wanting a poll as to who is the hardest poster on the forum. I mean, for fvck's sake. The hardest poster on a forum? What do they do? Meet on the Uxbridge Road before the match, exchange insults and ban each other.


As Angry Ram says, most of the replies tell the OP to do one. But he doesn't take the hint. Kn0bhead.

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I enjoyed my trip to Loftus Road this season apart from the result. I suppose people look at what they can dislike about a club and blow it up. I can't say I'm in favour of how QPR have gone about things I think the play off final will be a good match against two teams on very different budgets.

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I hate QPR, have done for years, everything about QPR annoys me.

No it doesn't.

You're just worried that you may be gay.

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Tbh i don't really believe anyone hates QPR

I think we're just getting a bit pumped up before the final.


I know this is a vain hope, but can we ban this word when talking about other football teams or their fans? Hate? FFS? Hate?


It's a fvcking game, OK? We win, we lose, we draw, we go home to our loved ones, we are happy, we are sad. All of that. But HATE??? I am nearly 69 years old, and I tell you I have seen more than enough bigotry and hatred in the world, thank you.


We're football fans. We can dislike another club, we can think some/most/all of their fans are complete kn0bs, we can indulge in schadenfreude and take enormous pleasure in them being relegated, losing out in play-offs or cups. But hating them? Fvcking grow up.


Mind you, I am not terribly fond of Forest. But that's my problem.

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Look at the QPR crowd and you will see a cross section of normal people just like you would if you looked at ours. Little lads with woolly hats on. Old chaps. Mums and dads. Yobbish looking blokes etc etc


Its just that they happen to support a different team to us. And the little lads will still be supporting them long after the money men have gone and Harry has had his heart attack


Hate QPR?   Don't be silly. Just like us, its the history and the fans that are the real QPR. Its not them we dislike its Harry, Fernandes, Mittal, Barton and all of that. They have nothing intrinsically to do with QPR if you think about it  

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The money thing is interesting. When we were first taken over by our Thai owners, they got in Sven-Goran Eriksson as manager, on a big salary, and he started paying out lots of money on slightly-but-not-much better-than-average players. Initially, I think most City fans were very excited about this, but within a surprisingly short space of time, we started to get seriously p1ssed off with the attitude that most of them displayed. Most of them clearly didn't give a flying fvck about the team or the fans, and were only interested in the money they were earning. And that showed in the results.


One of the best things about Nigel Pearson coming back is that he got rid of most of the big-earners, and replaced them with players who put in a real effort, week after week. And even though we are now in the promised land (for a season at least) the management and owners are emphasising a cap on wages of £30K a week: still obscene, of course, but much less than most clubs pay.


I think that most real football fans don't mind too much if players are paid a lot - after all, it's a short career. What sticks in the craw for most of us is when players are over-paid and don't try. That seems to be what irks many QPR fans - and many non-QPR fans - about the squad that Hughes and Redknapp have assembled over the past two or three years.


Funny we should have a Leicester fan on the thread whilst discussing big spending. I read on BBC's site the other day that your owners were wanting to invest £150m in your squad to guarantee you a European place within 3 (might have been 5) seasons. Unless they're being spectacularly naïve, I don't think they'll be able to keep a wage cap of £30k a week for long.


Question is, do you think they're being realistic with their ambitions? I'm also not totally au fait with your owners - have they converted the money they've splashed on you guys into equity or is it debt sat on the club like Cardiff?

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Purely out of interest: this hatred of QPR for how the club has "gone about things".

Would it be so black and white, so vitriolic if, say, we were a small club in Blackburn, maybe, or Wigan that bought success?

And another thing: if our spending had led us to success in the Premier League rather than the abject failure. Like Fulham, say, or Stoke, would it have made a difference to your hatred.

Be honest...

I honestly couldn't give a flying fook about QPR and the only time i even think about them is when we are about to play them.

And i also couldn't be bothered to sign up to another clubs forum just to say i don't care about what they think of us or to tell them i will gloat if we beat them.

There are plenty ready to gob off on the internet who wouldn't say boo to your face in person.

I hope it's a good game and i hope we win, But either way, I won't be signing up to any rangers forums or even be giving them a second thought a day or so after the game.

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Funny we should have a Leicester fan on the thread whilst discussing big spending. I read on BBC's site the other day that your owners were wanting to invest £150m in your squad to guarantee you a European place within 3 (might have been 5) seasons. Unless they're being spectacularly naïve, I don't think they'll be able to keep a wage cap of £30k a week for long.


Question is, do you think they're being realistic with their ambitions? I'm also not totally au fait with your owners - have they converted the money they've splashed on you guys into equity or is it debt sat on the club like Cardiff?

If I may have a go at answering these questions...


The way a lot of Premier League clubs are manager and run means that the money and the fact there are three teams even worse than them are the ONLY things keeping them up. Just look at the signings Newcastle make...if you made signings that bad, comparatively speaking, in the Championship, you'd sink a couple of leagues very quickly.


It means that if a side is promoted and doesn't do a Cardiff, ie spunk all their money on rubbish players, then they can capitalise on the absolute balls up that is half the Premier League. How much worse are we than Aston Villa, for example? On our day, I'd back us quite comfortably, actually.


The case in point is Swansea City. They qualified for Europe in two seasons just by having a sensible model, and sticking to it. Okay, it came via winning the League Cup, but when you're a Premier League quality side it is quite easy to win something like that with the right sort of application. Hull might even find themselves in Europe.


This is why I'm so hopeful about being promoted. Us and Leicester, we can stay up and do something next season.


There's too much money in the Prem, so teams are just spending money on any old players. I don't think it's ever been so rewarding to spend your money wisely.

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If I may have a go at answering these questions...


The way a lot of Premier League clubs are manager and run means that the money and the fact there are three teams even worse than them are the ONLY things keeping them up. Just look at the signings Newcastle make...if you made signings that bad, comparatively speaking, in the Championship, you'd sink a couple of leagues very quickly.


It means that if a side is promoted and doesn't do a Cardiff, ie spunk all their money on rubbish players, then they can capitalise on the absolute balls up that is half the Premier League. How much worse are we than Aston Villa, for example? On our day, I'd back us quite comfortably, actually.


The case in point is Swansea City. They qualified for Europe in two seasons just by having a sensible model, and sticking to it. Okay, it came via winning the League Cup, but when you're a Premier League quality side it is quite easy to win something like that with the right sort of application. Hull might even find themselves in Europe.


This is why I'm so hopeful about being promoted. Us and Leicester, we can stay up and do something next season.


There's too much money in the Prem, so teams are just spending money on any old players. I don't think it's ever been so rewarding to spend your money wisely.


Wouldn't disagree with any of that. I actually think many promoted sides make the fatal mistake of thinking they need to replace half their team with players "with Premiership experience" - inevitably they are more expensive, not especially motivated & accustomed to mediocrity. I suppose QPR were a great example of that before they came down. Teams with a bit of verve, that have grown together & have a bit of youth & pace about them have done well recently - Southampton & Swansea spring to mind. I'd like to think we could use them as our template.


Without wanting to pre-empt our resident Fox's answer - I'm just curious as to whether Leics fans are comfortable with that level of investment even if the "dream" being sold to them is exciting. If the debt isn't being converted into equity, it leaves the club in a precarious situation if things take a turn for the worse for their owners a la Carson Yeung, Valery Romanov etc

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Interesting reading this.


As you can tell by the username, I am not one of 'Arry fans, and rue the day he turned up at our place.


I wish McClaren had of stayed with us and retirement bound Rednkapp moved aside as I expect he will due to his knee in the summer. Great, another new manager to take the boards pants down and spank them in public by signing Joe Cole, Rio Ferdinand and Hagi.


I know a fare few Rangers fans that don't want to go up. The sight of Fernandes waving a scarf around his head, validating the fact that he spent an obscene amount of money on a load of past it, mercenary cockwombles if we do is too much to bear. What steps will this board take to further drag us though the mud and make us look even more like cvnts.


I love the club, but I hate what we have become, and its a terrible position to be in.

But hey ho... that's modern football, and I'm falling out of love with it.


Anyway, hope its a decent game.



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