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Please help....


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Hey. I'm a regular follower and infrequent contributor to this forum.

Been a rams fan since I was 7

Born and raised in Burton, left when I was 18 and came back to the area about 2 years ago.

I like coming to this forum, as it's full of like minded (mainly) East Midlanders who all have a shared interest (the rams) and a similar sense of humour (really bad puns)

But I was wondering if I could ask you all for your help/support?

Beginning on the 26th of April I'm walking from John O Groats to Lands End.

Just under 900 miles in 50 days.

I'm doing it for St Giles Hospice.

Looking to raise £20,000 for a nurses wages for a year.

Now obviously any of you wanting to donate your hard earned cash would be most welcome to, but more importantly I'm looking to gain support in other ways.

I'd really like to raise awareness of my walk, so it would be great if people could follow me on twitter and Facebook and get others to follow me too.

I'm not really looking for massive individual donations but more a lot of small ones.

And the more people that hear about what I'm doing, the quicker I'll reach the £20,000 target.

Also, and just as importantly, I'm looking for people to help support in other ways.

Maybe you have friends/family on the route that could put me up for the night, bring me a sandwich or just show me the quickest way over a mountain.

Any form of help can only be a positive.

Any way, I've gone on too long and I think you get the picture.

Hope you don't mind me asking for your help, but hopefully you can see it's for a good cause.

Many thanks in advance




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