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Derby fans get 3 year banning orders for singing at Brighton


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The sexist banter you put up with on here. People say some really sexist things to you. They ARE 100% joking of course. Are you offended though? Or do you recognise the humour of certain people?

But if I'm reading and thinking... Yes this is offensive material. Women could be put off by this humour. I think this forum needs a crackdown

I'll be honest, sometimes the sexism stuff does get a bit much and I'm not convinced it's all a joke, all of the time. People may disagree with that, but I can only comment on how it comes across.

If I complain about it, as I have done before, it can get worse but it's very much a male dominated place, you men are a lot different to us in how you think and what you post. But, being a mod I read quite a lot of posts, cringe a bit, then move on.

I forgive you lot though, you're never going to be able to see how us women work and that's not your fault, nobodys perfect :-D

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I like and agree with both Davenportram and Ladyram a lot of the time but as you two are mods, from now on I hope you delete the hundreds of offensive comments made on here everyday and get Daveo to ban the perpetrators.

Who needs Daveo? ;-) I can ban arses if I want but very rarely do. It's the guys that do most of the banning.

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Well this is where you & I will have to agree to disagree.

Furthermore, if the authorities won't prosecute Frankie Boyle for jokes of that nature, why are 2 football fans at Brighton subject to a "higher threshold" of offence? Its that inconsistency of treatment that I'm driving at.

In a perfect world there wouldn't be inconsistencies but there is unfortunately, I can't do much about it.
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I give it 18 months before homophobic words or chanting at a designated football match is added to the football act.

Will the bookies give odds for things like that?!

Would that be a bad thing in your opinion Private?
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Would that be a bad thing in your opinion Private?

If it was legal, necessary and proportionate then no not at all, I would more than welcome it. I suppose you know how Stonewall came about?

Fifty drunken men thinking they're hilarious singing -

Town full of benders

Sing when you're bumming

We can see you holding hands

Does your boyfriend know you're here

Who's the puffter in the pink

Is not, well, in my and the majority of others minds. Obviously this government, local MP's, local moaners think differently and have somehow managed to convince the Police that it's a priority in this country and pressurised them into taking action. Football fans are scum afterall.

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Fair enough Private, each of us has a different view of things I suppose.

I'm just not inclined to join in with any of the chants you mention. Not because I'm some kind of snob with no sense of humour, cos that's not the case. I just don't get owt out of singing them at people that's all, to me it isn't right.

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I like and agree with both Davenportram and Ladyram a lot of the time but as you two are mods, from now on I hope you delete the hundreds of offensive comments made on here everyday and get Daveo to ban the perpetrators.

We may be mods, and we have made out views clear. But they are just our views. Bans, deleting content etc are just down to individual mods views. We can't impose our views on others.

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Well this is where you & I will have to agree to disagree.


Furthermore, if the authorities won't prosecute Frankie Boyle for jokes of that nature, why are 2 football fans at Brighton subject to a "higher threshold" of offence? Its that inconsistency of treatment that I'm driving at.

Because their football fans and football fans still, at least young male fans, are still viewed as being the enemy to the game.


I, like you, find the punishment shocking as banning orders were bought in to prevent violent disorder, nowadays they seem to be handed out left, right and centre. 


This is a interesting read. 




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Because their football fans and football fans still, at least young male fans, are still viewed as being the enemy to the game.


I, like you, find the punishment shocking as banning orders were bought in to prevent violent disorder, nowadays they seem to be handed out left, right and centre. 


This is a interesting read. 





I was never aware of that. Its frightening how the authorities give greater priority to extra cash in the coffers & internal targets rather than people's civil liberties. Like you say, they won't be too concerned as "only" young male football fans are being caught - not a section of society traditionally powerful, rich or aware of their rights.


For all the bluster about our extra rights under the ECHR, its funny how the boundaries allowed by the state are narrowing & narrowing.

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Because their football fans and football fans still, at least young male fans, are still viewed as being the enemy to the game.


I, like you, find the punishment shocking as banning orders were bought in to prevent violent disorder, nowadays they seem to be handed out left, right and centre. 


This is a interesting read. 





So the Football Intelligence Officers, (jeez, have you ever seen the word "intelligence" so abused), are funded on the grounds that they meet a certain target in banning orders.


The organised hooligans get away with it yet ordinary fans who may occasionally get a bit loud risk being banned......easy targets again. :angry:

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