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Einstein's riddle

Bris Vegas

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Einstein's Riddle Intelligence Test


Einstein wrote this riddle last century and said that 98% of the world's population would NOT be able to solve it.

Are you a part of that 98%?

There are 5 houses that are each a different colour.

There is a person of a different nationality in each house.


The 5 owners drink a certain drink. They each smoke a certain brand of cigarettes and also have a certain pet. No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigarettes nor drinks the same drink.

The question is. "Who has the fish?"


1. The British man lives in the red house.

2. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet.

3. The Danish man drinks tea.

4. The green house is to the left of the white house.

5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.

6. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird.

7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.

8. The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk.

9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.

10. The person that smokes Blend, lives next to the one that has a cat.

11. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill.

12. The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.

13. The German smokes Prince.

14. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house.

15. The person that smokes Blend, has a neighbour that drinks water.

Do you want the answer? Do you think you are in the top 2% of the world's population?





Those that know the answer please don't spoil it, those that figure it out you can leave some sort of scrpted text.. Like the answer is every 6 letters or something.. e.g. a4ghtXahfbtX8uijkXfuidnX etc.. (obviously don't bold it though)


Let's see if you can do it..


Good luck

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Do we have to answer in code?


Yeh otherwise it would ruin it for those that want to do it.. Write your answer in a code similar to mine, for example the nationality of the person every 4 or 5 letters..


And for those that don't know it, and want to do it, obviously don't read the scripted answers..

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I did it in around 7 mins but only through a trial and error method..


I found out after the first 7 or 8 steps that my first go was wrong (I basically had a 50/50 shot regardling the color of a housing squence) and I got it wrong..


But as soon as I corrected it it then started to become easier..


(For a little obvious advice) Each clue that you compete opens the door to another clue but they're not ordered..

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I'm stuck, I cant find the next clue.


This has delayed my beer drinking by a good half hour


What clue are you at..


Start with numbers 9, 14, 4 (50/50), 1 and then the rest is easier..


Your number 4 will be a trial and error as it can be 2 parts but if you follow the sequence you'll know if it's correct or not.. Unless someone has another way of doing it.

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What clue are you at..


Start with numbers 9, 14, 4 (50/50), 1 and then the rest is easier..


Your number 4 will be a trial and error as it can be 2 parts but if you follow the sequence you'll know if it's correct or not.. Unless someone has another way of doing it.


Yep, I know exactly what you're saying.


I didnt try the 50/50 to be honest, was looking for a clue to work that part out, if you see what I mean.


Cant be arsed now, but tomorrow I could trial and error the 50/50 part

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Technically using the fifty fifty trial and error isn't solving it but fair play well done I've just done it without making guesses and using the clues (you can't use them in any particular order and have to revisit clues once you have eliminated other options) It's a bit like a sudoku without the luxury of a grid to help. Anyway my answer is posted below - can you crack my code (I have included another bit of information too) igtocpitggp

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Einstein's Riddle Intelligence Test


Einstein wrote this riddle last century and said that 98% of the world's population would NOT be able to solve it.

Are you a part of that 98%?

There are 5 houses that are each a different colour.

There is a person of a different nationality in each house.


The 5 owners drink a certain drink. They each smoke a certain brand of cigarettes and also have a certain pet. No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigarettes nor drinks the same drink.

The question is. "Who has the fish?"


1. The British man lives in the red house.

2. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet.

3. The Danish man drinks tea.

4. The green house is to the left of the white house.

5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.

6. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird.

7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.

8. The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk.

9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.

10. The person that smokes Blend, lives next to the one that has a cat.

11. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill.

12. The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.

13. The German smokes Prince.

14. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house.

15. The person that smokes Blend, has a neighbour that drinks water.

Do you want the answer? Do you think you are in the top 2% of the world's population?





Those that know the answer please don't spoil it, those that figure it out you can leave some sort of scrpted text.. Like the answer is every 6 letters or something.. e.g. a4ghtXahfbtX8uijkXfuidnX etc.. (obviously don't bold it though)


Let's see if you can do it..


Good luck


The vegetarian who obviously isn't that committed to animal welfare.

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Einstein's Riddle Intelligence Test


Einstein wrote this riddle last century and said that 98% of the world's population would NOT be able to solve it.

Are you a part of that 98%?

There are 5 houses that are each a different colour.

There is a person of a different nationality in each house.


The 5 owners drink a certain drink. They each smoke a certain brand of cigarettes and also have a certain pet. No owner has the same pet, smokes the same brand of cigarettes nor drinks the same drink.

The question is. "Who has the fish?"


1. The British man lives in the red house.

2. The Swedish man has a dog for a pet.

3. The Danish man drinks tea.

4. The green house is to the left of the white house.

5. The owner of the green house drinks coffee.

6. The person that smokes Pall Mall has a bird.

7. The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.

8. The person that lives in the middle house drinks milk.

9. The Norwegian lives in the first house.

10. The person that smokes Blend, lives next to the one that has a cat.

11. The person that has a horse lives next to the one that smokes Dunhill.

12. The one that smokes Bluemaster drinks beer.

13. The German smokes Prince.

14. The Norwegian lives next to a blue house.

15. The person that smokes Blend, has a neighbour that drinks water.

Do you want the answer? Do you think you are in the top 2% of the world's population?





Those that know the answer please don't spoil it, those that figure it out you can leave some sort of scrpted text.. Like the answer is every 6 letters or something.. e.g. a4ghtXahfbtX8uijkXfuidnX etc.. (obviously don't bold it though)


Let's see if you can do it..


Good luck


The pilot,  co-pilot and 3rd officer in the film Airplane!

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Technically using the fifty fifty trial and error isn't solving it but fair play well done I've just done it without making guesses and using the clues (you can't use them in any particular order and have to revisit clues once you have eliminated other options) It's a bit like a sudoku without the luxury of a grid to help. Anyway my answer is posted below - can you crack my code (I have included another bit of information too) igtocpitggp


I'm going to have another go now to see if I can find the way you've done it then.

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I'm going to have another go now to see if I can find the way you've done it then.

I set up a spreadsheet with 5 boxes and 5columns of possible drinks, smokes, pets, colours and nationalities. Then I used the clues to eliminate things as I went along. (could do it on paper but I couldnt be bothered)


The key clues were the neighbours of water, Where the yellow house could be and who smokes blend I think.


I cant really remember the order I did things but I had to go through the clues more than once before I eliminated everything.


Dont forget that where it gives a house colour that has the owenr who has dog etc..... you can eliminate that element form other houses (not just limited to the dogs etc) and you can the house colour from the pet or drink or smoke that that person must have.

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I set up a spreadsheet with 5 boxes and 5columns of possible drinks, smokes, pets, colours and nationalities. Then I used the clues to eliminate things as I went along. (could do it on paper but I couldnt be bothered)


The key clues were the neighbours of water, Where the yellow house could be and who smokes blend I think.


I cant really remember the order I did things but I had to go through the clues more than once before I eliminated everything.


Dont forget that where it gives a house colour that has the owenr who has dog etc..... you can eliminate that element form other houses (not just limited to the dogs etc) and you can the house colour from the pet or drink or smoke that that person must have.


I've done it another way where I've found more clues to basically complete Norway (the first house).. But now I'm still trying to find the next obvious clue without using the 50/50 method..

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I set up a spreadsheet with 5 boxes and 5columns of possible drinks, smokes, pets, colours and nationalities. Then I used the clues to eliminate things as I went along. (could do it on paper but I couldnt be bothered)


The key clues were the neighbours of water, Where the yellow house could be and who smokes blend I think.


I cant really remember the order I did things but I had to go through the clues more than once before I eliminated everything.


Dont forget that where it gives a house colour that has the owenr who has dog etc..... you can eliminate that element form other houses (not just limited to the dogs etc) and you can the house colour from the pet or drink or smoke that that person must have.


OK I figured it out the other way without the 50/50 part..


It was actually more difficult and involved more eliminating..


It's very much like a sudoku

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