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Petition against the cuts and changes affecting sick and disabled people


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I'm new here, and I'll be honest, I'm actually a Leyton Orient supporter. I hope it's OK to post this here - I'm part of a group of people trying to get 100,000 signatures for an epetition to get a Cumulative Impact Assessment of all the cuts and changes affecting disabled people (not just benefits, Remploy factory closures, service cuts etc) and a stop to the dreadfully flawed Work Capability Assessment, as called for by the British Medical Association.

The petition can be found here: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/43154

It was created by the disabled comedienne/actress Francesca Martinez, who you may know of from Extras or Grange Hill, and she's helping to promote it, but basically we have no publicity budget and are using twitter, facebook, email, and forums to get people to sign and share it on. I was hoping it would be OK to post it on here, as I know there will be people here who are already affected by these cuts and changes, know someone who is affected by them, or may be affected soon. We already have over 27,000 signatures, but need people to keep signing and spreading the word.

Anyone who is directly affected by these changes (or knows anyone directly affected) will know what a mess things are already, and to everyone else - you or someone close to you is only an illness or accident away from this stuff affecting you. So, er, sign it and share it and that. Please.

Thanks for your time.

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Thanks people! I forgot to mention that we've a twitter feed @wowpetition, a facebook page www.facebook.com/WoWpetition and a website www.wowpetition.com if anyone's interested in finding out more or helping.


Good luck against Bristol City tonight.

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