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What kind of doctors do you have ?


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There are more and more doctors in Finland who don't speak our language at all or speak very poorly. My friend told me today that she got the stomach flu and went for the doctor. In this case the doctor happened to be from India. My friend asked something for the pain in her stomach. The doctor decided that she must be pregnant and gave her something for nausea.

Another friend of mine went for to the doc who was from Russia and also didn't speak Finnish. She had a tear in a muscle in her chest. She got meds for heart disease.

Does your doctors know what they are doing ?

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We've had medics from the old empire for years, probably 50?

You really have to listen carefully sometimes when they speak. Its worse when they get annoyed when you have to keep asking them to repeat themselves.

I think being able to speak the language is a must in medicine isn't it?

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There are more and more doctors in Finland who don't speak our language at all or speak very poorly. My friend told me today that she got the stomach flu and went for the doctor. In this case the doctor happened to be from India. My friend asked something for the pain in her stomach. The doctor decided that she must be pregnant and gave her something for nausea.

Another friend of mine went for to the doc who was from Russia and also didn't speak Finnish. She had a tear in a muscle in her chest. She got meds for heart disease.

Does your doctors know what they are doing ?

None of the patients speak English either so its probably less of a problem here.

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