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The good morning thread.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Mind you, if I got rid of my kids for the week end, I'd be in the same sorry state.


Don't get me wrong, I miss me kids loads, but it's been great to chill out and have mucho alcohol this weekend.

Might have some more later in fact. No kids till tomorra so why not?

The bonus is I haven't had a hangover.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is there a law to fookin banging in the morning??? I have no idea what by neighbours are doing!!! But surely it could wait until a reasonable time, like twelve noon!!!

Think yourself lucky i have pissheads coming home in taxis till 3 o'clock then workers up at 6 - 7. The worst thing I find at this time of year is all the birds chirping away at 5 o'clock in the trees behind me.
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