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The DCFCfans Big Christmas Quiz


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What did Rams fans call winger Alan Hinton as a nickname and why.

I'm not old enough to remember, was it something foot/boot related?

And speaking of Hinton, has anybody seen some of his tweets?? Must be the most confusing thing ever in the universe.

Edit: I was right wasn't I. A quick check on wikipedia states his nickname was Gladys because of his curly white hair and white boots. I win.

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Jack Stamps .. Peter Doherty ..Douglas 'Dally' Duncan..Jack Bowers....Raich Carter..Sammy Crooks...which of these great forwards did not play in FA Cup winning Team at Wembley in 1946 and who was the missing forward from that team on this list.

Father Christmas

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Queen, bohemian rhapsody ?

Bho rap was 1975 and 1991 not the 80's

While I'm here Ladyram asked me to check how's it's going on this thread.

I would like to congratulate those keen to pose questions but it would appear that people are hijacking and not waiting until there answers are confirmed as correct before posting a question.

Also it's Christmas themed so how is DCFC FA cup team linked to Christmas? Was it played in December that year?

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Wham? No idea if they had a Xmas song tho

No Daveo it wasnt the wham but yes I'm sure they did a Christmas song just can't think what it was called, mind u I haven't heard it since last Christmas so ill have a listen out for it this year on my radiogram !!

Keep guessing as I say it's a bit of a surprise if u don't know it

I will give out some clues later !!

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.....spoke to alan hinton outside the ground v sheff wed.

In fact i gave him my entire 1971-72 binder with all the home programmes from that season as he loves reliving those days just as much as we love to remember them.

He introduced me to his brothers , one of whom he described as a hard full back....."not like me" he said " I was a pussycat".

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