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The DCFCfans Big Christmas Quiz


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My mate got burgled and complained that they took everything apart from his Shakin Stevens LP

A few months later they came back and took that as well.

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Yey !!!

Perseverance got you there in the end but you didn't get the bonus point for naming the Christmas number 1 !!

It's unbelievable isn't it that he had the most hits in the eighties !!

Sorry just noticed on that last list of clues I put 33 number ones but previously I had said correctly 33 top 40 hits !!

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I believe that makes it your go ramnut

Just to clarify

Shakin' Stevens, also known as "Shaky" (born Michael Barratt, 4 March 1948) is a platinum-selling Welsh rock and roll singer and songwriter who holds the distinction of being the UK's biggest-selling singles artist of the 1980s.[1] His recording and performing career began in the late 1960s, although it was not until 1980 that he saw commercial success in his native land. In the UK alone, Stevens has charted 33 Top 40 hit singles

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I'm thinking.......

While you're waiting......another story about my same mate........i ssked once what was his most embarrassing moment and he told me and it involved a christmas party and a bird he had fancied for years but never plucked up the courage to approach.

Late in the party after plenty to drink he found to his amazement that she approached him for a christmas kiss.

He could nt believe his luck as she planted a massive full mouth lingering french kiss on him....and then he burped and saw her cheeks puff out.

Its cracks me up that.

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