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Everything posted by DavesaRam

  1. Just one of them. As in “fouls not given”.
  2. That’ll do! Terrible mistake by Charlton, great pass by Max!
  3. Charlton are really quick into the tackle and press. Can they keep it up for the full 97 minutes?
  4. Am I right in saying there has only ever been one retrospective red card? On Darren Moore for a foul he didn’t commit? It ought to be a consideration - that. Charlton player knew exactly what he was doing, and that the ref was looking away.
  5. We were already doing that, which is why the results have dropped.
  6. I think his upturn in scoring rate has coincided with him getting into the penalty area for when the ball comes in, instead if spending too much time outside the area chasing the ball. He deserves praise for making the adjustment! It has also come at the sane time that we started using the midfield a little more and playing with the ball closer to the ground instead if the players needing a stepladder to even see how high the cross had been. Keep it going, James!
  7. Really runny and sloppy, then!
  8. There has been somewhat of an over-reaction to us not signing a striker, but there are good grounds for the frustration. Firstly, our manager admitted that he held back from January transfers last season and it cost us, as did his lack of rotating the squad to avoid burnout. So what has changed? Well we have signed a midfield muscleman, which we needed, and it will strengthen our midfield, assuming Paul Warn actually plays the three in midfield which we need to. Otherwise midfield will remain open-season to the opposition. And we have signed a good winger. But the lack of squad rotation has resulted in us sending a striker out on loan. The word is that DJB is not considered ready for "men's football". A number of people have complained that he should have been given opportunity with the "who's bothered" cup matches, but apart from 45 minutes out of position (where have we seen that before?), Dajun didn't get a look in. I am of the mind that his 45 run-out was for a purpose - he should have been played off Collins, not alongside him, effectively in his shadow. Whatever, it rendered Brown ineffective, proving that Warne was right, Brown isn't ready for the step up. The lad hasn't featured since. There are other U-21s who have had the door slammed in their faces as well, again with a number of people saying that they weren't ready. However, when admin came to town we were forced to used a whole load of the kids, and the truth is a number of them stepped up to the plate magnificently. If ever there was a time when the kids wouldn't be ready, it was when they had to face the trauma of what was happening on top of their step up to the first team. And there are loads of other clubs who do give chances to their youngsters, yet somehow we only seem to have little boys who freeze in front of the bright lights. Really? Secondly there is the absolute gaffe of letting Brown go out on loan when we were staring a striker shortage in the face. Warne says that we have been badly let down late on by selling clubs over strikers we had lined up, but it isn't the first time, and it won't be the last. Why not hold on to Brown until a new striker had come in? It's not rocket science! But this isn't the first, nor is it the second time we have faced an underwhelming transfer window. In reality this type of fiasco is actually normal, as though it is part of the Derby way. So the moaning isn't "So where is the striker?", it is more of a case of "Oh no, not again!" It has gone on for years and years. The only improvement is that we haven't had key players going out for the equivalent of a packet of Haribos, a mouse's tail and a used condom, which has also been "the Derby Way" in past times. But that was yesterday! It's today now, so let's look forwards! I hope that the addition of Adams will move us to a 3-man midfield which will strengthen our matchplay, and mean we can have a greater effect in the final third, and which may just create the room for our new potent winger to do his thing!
  9. Given our propensity to go shopping for one type of player but come back from the shops with another type, buying a player as cover obviously doesn’t have to be anything like the player he is covering!
  10. The Premier League player was a lad from Liverpool, but that was knocked on the head by Liverpool. Was that a case if “We’re not letting our players go there”?
  11. They could have signed me on loan then paid the money in a week’s time when the beard had grown, but “it wasn’t to be”. I was already into 3 day’s stubble in anticipation, as well. Dratt it!
  12. Well I'm 67, suffer with restless legs and tendonitis, and I get tired quite early in the day, so I'm off to bed. So if Derby want to sign me as their# "marquee" striker, they'll have to come and wake me up. Good night all!
  13. Some late cricket news: W G Grace has contatced the club because he fancies having a go at football before its too late for him.
  14. Bird and Hourihane are ineffective because they are "footballers" having to operate without a ball-winner working with them, and because they are outnumbered, and because Warned sets the team up to render them ineffective! Our new boy should put that right, but only if Warned plays him with Bird and Hourihane as a midfield three. If he sticks with a two, there will be little change.
  15. Well ................................ terribly!
  16. Where did you see him? Or should I ask “Which Dick are we signing this time?”
  17. When I outgrew the boys corner. I graduated to the Normanton End and soon found that getting onto the terraces at 1.00 pm didn’t work because at 5 to 3 all the 6’ 6” giants arrived and stood in front of all the sub 6-footers. Then I discovered a standing area at the right hand end of the lower seating area which became home for several years. My first match was the 5 - 0 thrashing of Spurs (I do like that scoreline!), and the following summer my brother and I got bundled in with all the Manure fans for the Watney Cup final. Stuffing our scarves up the front of our shirts made it very hot as wr struggled to stay quiet!
  18. No, but you can get within walking distance ad I’ve done the trip 3 times, a d been to Millwall from there as well. Although Millwall was a one-off, I can assure you!
  19. The academy boys have actually got to get on to the pitch before they can grab their chance.
  20. Its a bit Spanish and involves a python.
  21. We drive to Stanmore, just South West of Watford, then take the tube from there, and I don’t think that the tubes are affected by the strikes.
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