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Everything posted by DavesaRam

  1. It isn’t whether the players deserve to get there, its whether they deserve our support. I don’t fancy spending £200+ on an 18 hour day in order to collect a huge bagful of yet more disappointment. It took Warne several weeks to start communicating with the fans when we showed our frustration after the Stevenage matches, then he blathers on about how our backing really boosts the players who then repay us with dross like today. If the fans who are in work did their day jobs like he and the players are doing theirs, the fans would be out of work in no time. So whole the fans struggle to pay their bills, Warne and the players continue to shuffle around half-heartedly on their way to becoming millionaires, if they aren’t there already. The frustration is knowing that we are good enough to be sitting clear of Portsmouth if only Warne would let us. This is the most negative I’ve been, and I was a Ram during the John Newman years, and the Tommy Docherty years. GIVE YOURSELF A WOBBLE, WARNE AND LET THE BOYS PLAY FOOTBALL.
  2. We usually do when we do it, even if it is just a iccle, iccle bit.
  3. So that's why they swapped Bobby Madley out - "it's Paul Warne's Derby County. They'll screw themselves over".
  4. YEs the authorities gave it a flashy new coat, but really it was just the king's new clothes.
  5. Unfortunately we let the mirror go out on loan.
  6. Unless it's because we are the second least worst team in the division. We have the players to storm this league, but tactics far too often are hopeless, and one wonders what they don't the training ground all week because it clearly isn't "pass and move". This must be the 5th or 6th time we have had a golden opportunity to make ground on the teams around us, and we have thrown it away. A good team wouldn't keep on doing that. Despite my doubts, I have travelled a huge distance from the "Warne Out" position I held after the Stevenage match. But that nagging feeling remained, but was held firmly tied up in the corner. It has just burst the ropes that were holding it down like Samson before his haircut.
  7. What a STUPID, STUPID, STUPID fiotball club. Has anybody told them that we are supposed to play football. If by some sheer fluke we scrape through the play-offs I will not be going to Wembley. They players don’t deserve it
  8. Come on Derby. Wake up or its only a matter of time.
  9. So they dis swap the ref. This one hasn’t done too bad, but has potential!
  10. We have made too many poor headers to no-one when there has been a better option, with one leading to their goal
  11. We aren’t handling the speed of Barnsley’s press too well
  12. The crowd are putting a lot of pressure on the ref
  13. I'm not so sure. However, I will be flying VPN Airways this afternoon!
  14. “He runs around with a silly grin on his face and no clue as to what is going on” - Graham Richards.
  15. The virus is spreading! Even Mucker’s caught it! 👀
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