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  1. That will be the wine writing, not me! 🤣
  2. This has been a lovely day. Spent the day with my youngest son, drank some wine, the sun shined and Birmingham were relegated. If Carlsberg did days...this would have been s***. But fortunately they don't so it's been wonderful.
  3. Please hold on Plymouth and Blackburn!!
  4. Igor Stimac. Brings a tear to my eye. What a player.
  5. Same rule applies whenever we're in this position - just don't do anything daft.
  6. Exactly. I'm very pleased with a point and well done to the lads, but this is a realistic assessment and shows the post wasn't necessarily winding people up.
  7. I'm not on here every hour that God sends so I wouldn't know, but even so who's to say that he's not being sincere this time? And everyone can just ignore him. That is within the capability of all other members of the forum, surely? I'm sorry, but I just don't think declaring people to have sad lives is in keeping with the modern spirit of 'being kind'.
  8. I don't really know, but I would say that declaring someone to have a sad life is a bit harsh when you've (probably) never met them. It's difficult to ascertain the motivation of people from the odd post. You might be right, I don't know, but the simple thing to do is ignore it. If you're right he will get bored and stop. I'm not on this forum often enough to know if he's winding people up or not - I have much more important things to do with my life than attend this thing every hour - but it strikes me that you can just ignore what you don't like.
  9. I think this is a bit harsh. Perhaps it's his honest opinion?
  10. Think of it as a point gained rather than 2 lost. Would have taken a draw before the match.
  11. If you don't shoot, you don't score! 🐏🐏🐏
  12. We never play any other way. I'm confused as to how so many people said Warne "got the tactics right" against Bolton. He didn't - he had us play the same way we always do but it just happened that it suited that match.
  13. I agree with him. It's great that we won it but I have no idea how anyone could say a draw wouldn't have been a fair result.
  14. As games of football go that was an offence to the sport but it's at least good to be on the right end of it. Huge win.
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